UNISA Application For Undergraduate & Honours Studies Admission 2015 South Africa

Name of the Organization : University of South Africa
Type of Facility : Apply For Undergraduate & Honours Studies Admission 2015
Location : Adelaide
Country : South Africa
Deadline : August 2014
Website : http://www.unisa.ac.za/

Apply For Undergraduate & Honours Studies Admission

** You must apply for each new qualification even if you already have a Unisa student number.

Related : University of South Africa UNISA Examination Results Online : www.statusin.org/7896.html


** This includes new applicants (prospective students) and current and returning/previous students. Pay the online application fee – Rs.100/.

A formal qualification includes : higher certificates, diplomas, bachelor degrees, BTech degrees, postgraduate certificates, postgraduate diplomas, advanced certificates, advanced diplomas, honours degrees, master’s degrees and doctoral degrees.

New applicants include :
** prospective students who have never before studied through Unisa
** students who have previously registered or who are currently registered for short learning programmes

** current Grade 12 learners
** students studying at other higher education institutions and who wish to study through Unisa in 2014

Current and returning students include :
** any student who wishes to change the qualification for which they are currently or were previously registered

** students in their final semester/ year and who intend to study further
** students wishing to change the specialisation of their current qualification

Master’s or doctoral degree applicants :
any student meeting the admission requirements to apply for a master’s or doctoral degree

Take note of the following before you apply :
** You must have a valid e-mail address so that Unisa can communicate with you during the application process.

** You must submit all the necessary supporting documents as part of the online application process. If you are unable to do so, you will not be able to submit your online application.

** You must not pay the application fee until you receive a reference number from Unisa.
** You can apply for a maximum of two qualifications.
** No application payments or documents will be accepted during the registration period.

Application dates :
Application for 2015 will open in August 2014.

Admission Process

Once you have chosen your qualification and made sure that you meet the admission requirements, you can apply online or at a regional office. Work through the information carefully to ensure that your application for admission is complete and submitted correctly.

Online application process :
Complete online application

Online via : http://applications.unisa.ac.za

Related Post

Or :
visit a Unisa regional office to submit your complete application online (application form + uploaded supporting documents) (08 :00-15:30, Mondays to Fridays)

Supporting Documents

Upload the following relevant supporting documents with your application form :
** Certified copy of your school qualifications (eg Senior Certificate)
** Certified copy of your official tertiary academic record(s) (if applicable) (please note that internet copies will not be accepted)

** Certified copy of your ID document (RSA students) or passport (international students)
** Certified copy of your marriage certificate (if applicable) or divorce decree (if applicable)

** Original sworn translations of documents if they are not in English or Afrikaans
** DSAR04 form and supporting documents if you are applying for exemptions

Rules for uploading supporting documents :
** Unisa does not provide scanners or electronic devices. Please ensure your documents are in an electronic format (as stipulated below) before starting the application process.
** Files cannot be larger than 2MB (2048KB) each.

** Maximum number of files allowed : 5 (combine similar items as one file, eg all school certificates as one file).
** Only black and white documents may be submitted.

** Only the following file types are allowed : pdf (Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format file), doc (Word document file) or tif (image file)

Receive reference number :
After Unisa processes your application for admission, you will receive your reference number and further communication from the university.

Pay Application Fee

This fee is non-refundable even if you decide not to study through Unisa or do not qualify for admission to Unisa. Unisa does not accept cash at any of its offices. You may deposit cash into the university’s Standard Bank account :

Payment information for students living in South Africa :
** Pay online using your credit card : http://applications.unisa.ac.za
** Pay via bank deposit. Further details will be communicated once a reference number has been allocated to you.

** Payment information for international students
** International students must pay fees via SWIFT payment :
** Beneficiary : Unisa student deposits;

** Standard Bank;
** Account number : 011554622;
** Branch code : 010645;

Send Proof To :
Please e-mail proof of SWIFT payment to susdepid AT unisa.ac.za.

Check List

If your application for admission to study through Unisa is incomplete, you will have to re-apply during the next application period.

Make sure that you’ve done the following :
** I have chosen my Unisa qualification
** I have checked that I meet the detailed admission requirements for my qualification of choice
** I have applied online, at a regional office or via post

** I have uploaded/submitted a certified copy of my school qualifications (eg Senior Certificate)
** I have uploaded/submitted a certified copy of my official tertiary academic record (if applicable)

** I have uploaded/submitted a certified copy of my ID document (RSA students) or passport (foreign students)
** I have uploaded/submitted a certified copy of my marriage certificate or divorce decree (if applicable)

** I have uploaded/submitted sworn translations of my documents if they are not in English or Afrikaans
** I have submitted/submitted my application with the supporting documentation before the closing date for applications

** I will pay the application fee within 5 days of being informed of my reference number

For more information :
Send an e-mail to study-info AT unisa.ac.za.

Categories: South Africa

View Comments (1)

  • I send my registration but not yet get answer from unisa.
    I am a returning student and am left with two modules to do. I just want to know how much is my fees

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