University of Pretoria Online Application For Undergraduate Admission South Africa

Name of the Organization : University of Pretoria
Type of Facility : Apply Online For Undergraduate Admission 2015
Location : Hatfield
Country : South Africa
Website :

How To Apply For UP Undergraduate Admission?

The Online Application System is intended for use by new prospective students submitting an application to UP for the first time. It is not intended for students presently registered at the University of Pretoria.

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To use the Online Application System you will need the following :
Internet access; and An email address which you can access regularly, because as soon as you submit your online application, a student number (EMPLID) will be sent to this email address as confirmation of receipt.

Closing Dates of UP Undergraduate Admission

Closing dates of study programmes for applicants applying for admission in 2015 Application for admission to undergraduate study programmes for both South African and international citizens close on the dates specified below in the year preceding the year of study.

Prospective students are encouraged to apply as soon as applications open in March. Preferably apply online at, where you will also find a guideline document for completion of the form. Please note that a non-refundable application fee of R300 is payable.

Paper-based Application :
Prospective students may complete a hard copy application form. This can be collected at the Client Service Centre on the Hatfield Campus during office hours.

Once you have completed it and attached proof of payment of R300 to it (no cash please), please mail it to :
The Client Service Centre
University of Pretoria
Private Bag X20, Hatfield, 0028
South Africa

Note :
You can also request that a hard copy application form be posted to you by sending an e-mail with your details to or by calling tel :+27 (0)12 420 3111.

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Paper-based application instructions :
Each application form has a unique number which is printed under the barcode on page one. This number is repeated on each subsequent uneven page number. It is therefore imperative that you do not mix pages with different numbers or application forms. For this reason the University will only accept original application forms. Faxed, scanned or emailed application forms will not be accepted.


** Each prospective student must complete only one application form. On the application form the University of Pretoria offers a first and second choice in terms of what you wish to study.
** All applicants should fill in both a first and second choice on the application form.
** Once your application form has been processed, you will receive a student number (EMPLID).

** Receiving a student number (EMPLID) does NOT imply that you have been accepted by the University of Pretoria yet. Admission is a separate process that your application undergoes after being evaluated by the relevant faculty.

** It is in your best interest to complete your own application form. The University of Pretoria does not make use of representatives, agents or agencies during the application process. If you choose to make use of representatives, agents or agencies, you do so at your own risk.
** It is of utmost importance that you provide your personal email and postal addresses to enable the University of Pretoria to communicate with you directly.

** For the application for Distance Education admission (Faculty of Education) please visit the “Distance Education ” web page before you apply. Different rules are applicable.

** It is important to note that should you wish to study the selection programmes BSc (Arch)(Architecture) or BSc (Int)(Interior Architecture), you must indicate them as your first choice on your application form, or you will not be considered for these programmes. It is also recommended to indicate the other selection programmes as your first choice on the application form.

FAQ On University of Pretoria Admission

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about University of Pretoria Admission:

How do I apply to the University of Pretoria?
You can apply to the University of Pretoria online or by mail. To apply online, you will need to create an account on the University of Pretoria website and submit your application form. To apply by mail, you will need to download the application form from the University of Pretoria website and mail it to the University of Pretoria address.

When is the deadline for applications to the University of Pretoria?
The deadline for applications to the University of Pretoria varies depending on the program you are applying for. However, the general deadline is October 31st for undergraduate programs and January 31st for postgraduate programs.

How long does it take to hear back from the University of Pretoria about my application?
The University of Pretoria typically takes 6-8 weeks to process applications. However, this may vary depending on the number of applications received.

What are the chances of getting accepted to the University of Pretoria?
The chances of getting accepted to the University of Pretoria depend on your academic qualifications and the program you are applying for. However, the University of Pretoria is a competitive university, so it is important to have strong academic credentials.

Categories: South Africa

View Comments (18)

  • I am doing mathematical literacy with life sciences but I want to be a paramedic. Will it be possible?

  • Can I please have assistance in continuing with my application after creating a new password?

  • I am doing accounting and business studies with maths literacy. Please help me. I don't know what to study next year.

  • I did engineering related and design level four in a certain college. I want to know if its possible for me to get in your instruction to do Btec degree.

  • UP took my registration fee and never got back to me to let me know if I have found a space or what which I feel is wrong and I would like to know why?

  • I would like to know the annual fee for education first year full time studies for international student

  • How can I do because it is my first time application for education directory? I want to know the best information

  • Please send me a list of available course for nurses who have just passed the bridging course.

    • Short courses :

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