bankofchina.com Security Notice of Mobile Banking : Bank of China Singapore

Name of the Organization : Bank of China Singapore
Type of Facility : Security Notice of Mobile Banking
Country : Singapore

Website : http://www.bankofchina.com/en/custserv/bocmbs/201004/t20100429_1016363.html

Security Notice of Mobile Banking :

Login the correct website :
(1) When browsing the mobile site of BOC, please enter the URL directly into the WAP browser of your mobile phone. The URL of mobile banking of BOC is mbs.boc.cn

Related : Bank of China Singapore How to Apply For BOC Credit Cards : www.statusin.org/23669.html

(2) After login the mobile banking of BOC, you will see the welcome message you reserved. If you have opened online bank of BOC, this reserved message will be consistent with that you reserve for online banking.

(3) Please be careful to identify false websites. Do not login by clicking on links not directing to BOC. If you have any doubts, please call the bank’s customer service hotline to contact us.

2. Protect your mobile phone and password :
(1) Mobile banking of BOC uses mobile phone number as default login user name, please protect your mobile phone.

(2) BOC will not check the password with you under any circumstances. Do not tell your password to others under any circumstances (including bank employees, mobile operators or the police, etc.). Do not rely on any acts to illegally obtain mobile banking password.

** Lawbreakers may, by e-mail, letter, phone, short message, ask for your bank card number and password, mobile banking login password and other important information. If you have any doubt, please call the bank customer service hotline or contact us through email or other interactive forms.

(3) Avoid using numbers or letters easy to guess as password, such as your date of birth, telephone number, and car number. Please use password composed by numbers and letters (upper case and lower case) that is not easily decrypted.

(4) Please regularly change your mobile banking password.
(5) Please keep your dynamic password card (E-TOKEN) and other authentication tools. If they are accidentally lost, please contact us to go through the loss reporting and remedy procedures.

(6) If the phone number is missing, please report as soon as possible to your telecom operators (China Mobile or China Telecom, China Unicom) to make loss reporting or service termination procedures while the mobile banking services will also be automatically suspended.

** To further protect the security of your money, we recommend that you report loss through the counter or through mobile banking customer service hotline of our bank and open mobile banking services after recovery of mobile phone number.

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(7) If you change the mobile phone number, you can make alteration through the counter and transfer binding relationship between the original mobile phone number and mobile banking to the new phone number.

** At such time, the original mobile phone number can not continue to be used for mobile banking.

3. Notes for mobile banking operation :
(1) Do not lend to others your phone with mobile banking function opened or use mobile banking services in public places, banks to prevent infringement or spy on your important information.

(2) Please visit mobile banking through the original WAP browser installed when you purchase the mobile phone and do not use unknown WAP browser software to access mobile banking.

(3) Please carefully check “login information” on the welcome page to ascertain whether it is in line with the actual login situation, and find abnormalities in time to avoid being confused or cheated by fraudulent e-mail or fake website.

(4) When login mobile banking through the bookmarks in the mobile browser, please make sure the bookmarks are correct before login.
(5) Each time after using mobile banking, please click “Log Out” button at the bottom of the page and close the browser to end use.
(6) To ensure the security of your mobile banking transactions, we recommend that you enable the phone lock function and set a password to prevent unauthorized operation of your phone.

(7) In order to avoid restrictions on your normal login and use of mobile banking caused by phone model, network failure of operator, or mobile Internet settings etc., please conduct compatibility testing before using mobile banking.

** If you encounter any problems in the test, please contact network operators, mobile phone manufacturers and customer service hotline of the bank.

(8) Compared with the Internet, the closed data network of mobile banking and diversity of mobile terminals make it less susceptible to the Trojan horses and hacker attacks. However, we still recommend that you try not to install unnecessary third-party application software through WLAN, Bluetooth or memory card to reduce the threats posed by virus to the security of your transactions.

(9) If you encounter any difficulties or find any abnormalities, please call the customer service hotline of BOC to contact us.

4. Additional instructions :
** According to the rules and regulatory requirements of China, the Bank regularly tests the applicability of the Security Notice, and in a timely manner updates the Security Notice based on business and technology developments.

** Clients will not be individually informed of the updates. Please read the Security Notice frequently to raise security awareness.

Categories: Singapore
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