healthvermont.gov Obtaining a Death Certificate : Vermont Department of Health

Name of the Organization : Vermont Department of Health
Type of Facility : Obtaining a Death Certificate
State : Vermont
Country : United States of America

Website : http://healthvermont.gov/research/records/deathcert_form.aspx

Obtaining a Death Certificate :

A Guide to Burials and Funerals in Vermont :
** Too often, people do not think about end-of-life arrangements until after a person has died.
** Then decisions must be made quickly during an emotional and stressful time.

Related : Vermont Department of Health Electronic Death Registration System EDRS : www.statusin.org/8241.html

** However, it is possible to plan ahead by discussing your wishes with the significant people in your life, and writing down how you would like important matters to be handled.
** Decide whether you want a will, health care advance directive, durable power of attorney or anatomical gift.

** Decide what final arrangements you would like. Information in the Advance Directives, Funeral Services, Cemetery Burial, Home Burial, Cremation and Burial At Sea sections can help you think about what you would like.

** We encourage you to use all available resources when planning, including advice from a health care provider, religious or spiritual advisor, attorney, family and friends, and hospice.
** This information is not designed to offer medical or legal advice – for that, please consult with your health care provider and attorney.

Getting Organized :
** Periodically review your needs and the documents you have. You can change or cancel these documents at any time.
** Set up files to keep important paperwork. Some people keep original papers in a bank safety deposit box.
** If you do, you may want to keep at-home copies or information concerning the location of your safety deposit box.

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Papers may include :
** your will
** durable power of attorney
** birth certificate
** social security card
** insurance policies
** a health care advance directive
** financial documents like bank accounts, loans, stocks and bonds
** property deeds
** pre-need contract (described later)
** cemetery deed
** auto titles
** veteran information, etc.
** If you have a health care advance directive, a durable power of attorney or an anatomical gift, discuss this with your health care provider and the significant people in your life.

** When you make your loved ones aware that you have an advance directive, and you discuss with them how you would like these matters handled, it will help your wishes to be carried out the way you want.

** Make them aware of the location of this paperwork, and give a copy to your health care provider and to the person you designate as your health care surrogate or durable power of attorney.

To order a death certificate :
** Please use the application below to order a death certificate from the Department of Health for deaths that occurred January 1, 2011 or LATER.

** For deaths that occurred BEFORE January 1, 2011, please click on the following link to the be transferred to and place your certificate order with the Vermont State Archives and Records Administration (VSARA). (exit VDH)

** Complete and print the application below.
** Sign and date the application.
** Make check or money order payable to “Vermont Department of Health”.
** The fee for certified copies is $10.00 per copy.
** Return the application with your check or money order to the address below.
** Do Not Mail Cash.

Send to :
Vermont Department of Health
Vital Records
P.O. Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402-0070

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