gov.nu.ca Order a Death Certificate Canada : Nunavut Department of Health

Name of the Organization : Nunavut Department of Health
Type of Facility : Order a Death Certificate
State : Nunavut
Country : Canada

Website : http://www.gov.nu.ca/health/information/death-certificate
Application Form : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/24226-DeathApp.pdf

Order a Death Certificate :

** When a person dies, the family can apply for a death certificate.
Death certificates are used:
** as legal proof of death

Related : Nunavut Department of Health Order a Birth Certificate Canada : www.statusin.org/24223.html

** to settle an estate
** by family members to get benefits like pensions and insurance

You can apply for a death certificate if you are :
** A member of the immediate family or next of kin
** A person who requires the certificate for use in a court of law, for settlement of an estate, or for disinterment purposes
** An officer of the Crown, for official purposes
** A government department approved by the Registrar General, when required for legal or other legitimate purposes

Get a Death Certificate :
** The Department of Health can provide death certificates dating back to the creation of Nunavut on April 1st, 1999.
** To get a death certificate, fill out the Application for Certificate form. Make sure that all of your information is correct.
** The fee for all death certificates is $10.00 per certificate and can be paid by cheque or money order made payable to the Government of Nunavut.

Health Insurance :
** The Department of Health offers insurance programs to help Nunavummiut pay the costs of insured medical treatment, prescription drugs, medical supplies and medical travel.
** Every Nunavut resident is covered under the Nunavut Health Care Plan when they meet the eligibility criteria.

Related Post

** The Nunavut Health Care Plan also offers an additional insurance plan called Extended Health Benefits which may help pay for any prescriptions, medical travel costs or medical supplies and equipment needs.

** Follow the links below to find health insurance options offered by the Government of Nunavut, Health Canada, and other insurance companies.

The Nunavut Health Care Plan :
The Nunavut Health Care Plan is available to Nunavut residents and covers the cost of insured medical care in and out of the territory.

Non-Insured Health Benefits :
Non Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) is a program offered to eligible Land Claim Beneficiaries that helps pay for some costs not covered by the Nunavut Health Care Plan.

Extended Health Benefits :
The Extended Health Benefits (EHB) offers coverage to Nunavummiut who need additional health care services not covered by the Nunavut Health Care Plan, or by employer-provided health benefit plans.

EHB covers Nunavummiut diagnosed with Specified Conditions, non-aboriginal seniors of 65 years of age or older and medical travel for individuals who have exhausted their third-party or employer-provided insurance plans, including Health Canada’s Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) for Inuit and First Nations. Select conditions may apply.

Mail completed forms to the following address:
Nunavut Vital Statistics
Department of Health
Box 889
Rankin Inlet, NU
X0C 0G0
Phone: (867) 645-8001
Fax: (867) 645-8092
Toll Free: (800) 661-0833

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