nj.gov How to apply for a Civil Union License : New Jersey Department of Health

Name of the Organization : New Jersey Department of Health
Type of Facility : How to apply for a Civil Union License
State : New Jersey
Country : United States of America

Website : http://www.nj.gov/health/vital/registration-vital/civil-union-licenses/

How to apply for a Civil Union License

** Complete the civil union license application form.
** You may also get an application form at the Local Registrar’s office.

Related : New Jersey Department of Health Foreign Adoptions Registration : www.statusin.org/24339.html

** Do not sign the civil union application form before going to the Local Registrar.
** You must sign the application, under oath, in the presence of the issuing authority.

Requirements for entering into a Civil Union :
For two people to establish a civil union in New Jersey, they must satisfy the following requirements :
** Not be a party to another civil union, domestic partnership or marriage in this state or that is recognized by this state*;
** Be of the same sex ; and
** Be at least 18 years of age, except that applicants under 18 may enter into a civil union with parental consent.

** Applicants under age 16 must obtain parental consent and have the consent approved in writing by any judge of the Superior Court, Chancery Division, Family Part.

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Where to apply :
** You may apply in the New Jersey municipality in which either person resides.
** The license is valid throughout the state.
** If neither applicant lives in New Jersey, submit the application in the municipality where the civil union ceremony will be performed.
** The license is only valid in the issuing municipality.

Required documents when applying for a Civil Union license :
** Proof of identity by presenting your driver’s license, passport or state/federal I.D.
** Proof of your residency
** Your social security card or social security number*
** A witness, 18 years of age or older
** The $28 application fee
** Social security number is required by law for US citizens and will be kept confidential.
** Any documents in a foreign language must be accompanied by a certified English translation.

Requested additional documents : (these documents are helpful but not required)
** A copy of your birth certificate to establish your parents’ names and related birth information
** If you are divorced, have had a previous civil union dissolved, domestic partnership terminated or have had a civil union annulled, please bring the decree(s) or the civil annulment documents
** If your former spouse/civil union or domestic partner is deceased, please bring the death certificate

After you apply :
** There is a 72-hour waiting period before the license is issued.
** The waiting period begins when the application is filed with the Local Registrar.

** There is no 72 hour waiting period for a reaffirmation of Civil Union; however, you must bring a certified copy of your existing marriage or civil union
** The Civil Union license application is valid for six months from the date accepted, unless the Registrar has given prior approval to extend the validity of the application to a maximum of one year.
** Only one Civil Union license may be granted from a Civil Union application.

** If the license expires before being used, a new application must be made and another $28 fee remitted.
** The only exception to this requirement is in the case where a civil and religious ceremony are to be performed on the same day.
** In this case, the Local Registrar will photocopy the Civil Union application, marking one “A” and one “B”, and issue the corresponding Civil Union licenses, marking them “A” and “B” as well.
** One copy will be used for the religious ceremony and the other for the civil ceremony.

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