dhs.wisconsin.gov How to apply for a copy of a Vital Record : Wisconsin Department of Health

Name of the Organization : Wisconsin Department of Health
Type of Facility : how to apply for a copy of a vital record.
State : Wisconsin
Country : United States of America

Website : https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/vitalrecords/record.htm

DHS How to apply for a copy of a Vital Record

** The Wisconsin Vital Records Office is responsible for filing, preserving, protecting, changing, and issuing copies of birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, and records of declaration of domestic partnership and termination of domestic partnership for events that occur in Wisconsin.

Related : Kansas Department of Health Request For Birth Certificate : www.statusin.org/8016.html

** This site provides information on obtaining copies of vital records, searching our records in person, and other available services.

Requesting a Vital Record :
In-Person Requests :
Wisconsin Vital Records Office
1 West Wilson Street, Room 160
Madison, WI 53703
Hours :
8:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. Monday through Friday
Office closure dates
Processing time : Up to two hours

Fees :
** $20 for first copy of each record
** $3 for each additional copy of the same record

Payment methods :
** Cash, check, or money order in U.S. funds. Checks or money orders must be made payable through a U.S. financial institution.
** Personal checks must be preprinted with the account holder’s name, account number, routing number, and check number.
** We do not accept credit or debit cards for in-person requests.

Acceptable identification required :
** At least one form of identification must show your name and address.
** Expired documents will not be accepted.
** Original documents are required to apply in person.

ONE of the following :
** Wisconsin driver’s license
** Wisconsin ID card
** Out-of-state driver’s license/ID card

or TWO of the following :
** U.S. government-issued photo ID
** Passport
** Checkbook/bank statement
** Health insurance card
** Current, dated, signed lease
** Utility bill or traffic ticket
** Paycheck or earnings statement

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Mailing address :
Wisconsin Vital Records Office
P.O. Box 309
Madison, WI 53701
Processing time : Approximately five days after receipt
Shipping methods : USPS Regular Mail

Fees :
** $20 for first copy of each record
** $3 for each additional copy of the same record

Payment methods :
** Cash, check, or money order in U.S. funds.
** Checks or money orders must be payable through a U.S. financial institution.
** Checks or money orders must be made payable to State of Wis.
** Vital Records through a U.S. financial institution. Personal checks must be preprinted with the account holder’s name, account number, routing number, and check number.

Applications and acceptable identification required :
** At least one form of identification must show your name and address.
** Expired documents will not be accepted. Please include legible photocopies of your identification. Do not mail originals.

ONE of the following :
** Wisconsin driver’s license
** Wisconsin ID card
** Out-of-state driver’s license/ID card

or TWO of the following :
** U.S. government-issued photo ID Passport
** Checkbook/bank statement
** Health insurance card
** Current, dated, signed lease
** Utility bill or traffic ticket
** Paycheck or earnings statement

Online Request :
Processing time : One to five days after receipt
Shipping methods
USPS Regular Mail
UPS Next Day Air
UPS Worldwide

Payment methods :
** Credit card or debit card
** After placing your order, you will be required to submit identification along with your signature in order to complete your request.

Acceptable identification required :
** At least one form of identification must show your name and address.
** Expired documents will not be accepted.
** Please include legible photocopies of your identification.

ONE of the following :
** Wisconsin driver’s license
** Wisconsin ID card
** Out-of-state driver’s license/ID card

or TWO of the following :
** U.S. government-issued photo ID
** Passport
** Checkbook/bank statement
** Health insurance card
** Current, dated, signed lease
** Utility bill or traffic ticket
** Paycheck or earnings statement

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