hartford.gov Apply for a Birth Certificates : Health & Human Services

Name of the Organization : Hartford Health & Human Services
Type of Facility : Apply for a Birth Certificates
State : Hartford
Country : United States of America

Website : https://www.hartfordct.gov/Home
Application Form : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/24506-birthapp.pdf

Apply for a Birth Certificates :

A Hartford birth certificate may be obtained through the following means :
** In person, 8:15 a.m. – 4:45 p.m., 550 Main Street, Room 103 (first floor)
** Through a mailed-in written request.

 Related : Hartford Health & Human Services Apply for Civil Union Certificate : www.statusin.org/24508.html

** Through web orders processed at vitalchek.com.
** Birth records of 100 years or older are public information and do not require identification.
** Copies of birth certificates are available in a wallet size $15.00 for each copy or full-size for a fee of $20.00 for each copy.
Note :
** passports require the full size) There are protective plastic covers available for the wallet size for an additional $1.00 and full size for an additional $2.00.
** For further details, call the information line at (860) 757-9690. (Mail Request Only)

Birth Certificate Application Process :
** To facilitate providing the necessary information, you may download a copy of the Application for Birth Certificate form.
** To be able to access this form, your computer must have Acrobat Reader. Most computers have Acrobat Reader, and it will usually activate itself automatically.
** If your computer does not have Acrobat Reader, you can download a copy of it by going to the Adobe website

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The various methods of requesting Birth Certificates are :
In-Person Requests :
** You may obtain a birth certificate immediately in person.
** You will be required to fill out a short application and produce valid identification as outlined above.
** Purchases may be made with cash or money order payable to the City of Hartford.
** Copies are $15 each for wallet size and $20 each for full-size.

Mailed-In Requests :
** Please make sure you have included the items and information indicated in the above chart.
** Make the money order payable to the City of Hartford.
** Copies are $15 each for wallet size and $20 each forfull-size.
** Please allow 4-6 weeks to receive the certificate(s).
** Please Don’t Send Cash

Our mailing address is :
Office of the Town and City Clerk
Bureau of Vital Records
550 Main Street
Ground Floor, Room 103
Hartford, CT 06103

Table Of Required Items :

Required Items Required For Mailed-In Requests
Full Name at birth X
Date of Birth X
Both Parents’ Full Names Including Mother’s Maiden Name X
Parents’ Place of Birth-state or country X
Daytime Phone Number X
Copies of Acceptable Forms of Identification (see list below) X
Signature of person making request X
Money Order Made out to The City of Hartford (Copies are $15 each for wallet size and $20 each for full-size) X
Return Address
Self Addressed Stamped Envelope X
Credit Card Number
Type of Credit Card
Name as it appears on Credit Card
Card expiration date
Signature of person making request

Acceptable forms of identification must include valid driver’s license, or two of the following :
one which must be a photo :
** Social Security Card
** Employment ID
** State or City ID
** If you do not have any of the ID’s listed above, please send copies of at least two recent bills which show your name and current address.

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