dhcs.ca.gov Apply for Medi-Cal : California Department of Health Care Service

Name of the Organization : California Department of Health Care Service
Type of Facility : Apply for Medi-Cal
State : California
Country : United States of America

Website : dhcs [dot] ca [dot] gov

Apply for Medi-Cal :

Steps to Medi-Cal :
** Medi-Cal is California’s Medicaid program.
** This is a public health insurance program that provides free or low cost medical services for children and adults with limited income and resources.

Related : California Department of Public Health Obtaining Certified Copies of Birth & Death Records : https://www.statusin.org/8021.html

** Click to expand each topic below and learn more about the Medi-Cal process.

Are You Eligible :
** Medi-Cal eligibility is based primarily on your income and, sometimes, your “countable property”.
** Effective January 1, 2014, Medi-Cal has been expanded to offer coverage to a larger group of Californians.
** To learn more about this, visit the Medi-Cal Expansion Information page.
** To find out if you and your family may be eligible based on income, use the Covered California Income Guidelines chart.
** Pregnant women, children, and disabled persons are allowed to have a higher income on the Federal Poverty Level scale and are urged to apply.

How to Apply :
** rong door when applying for health coverage in California. Please choose one of the following ways to apply:

In Person:
** Apply at your local county social services office, where you can get personal assistance completing your application.

By Mail:
** Apply for Medi-Cal with a Single Streamlined Application , provided in English and other languages.
** Send completed and signed applications to your local county social services office.

By Phone:
** To apply over the phone, call your local county social services office.

** Apply online at .CoveredCA.com .
** Applications are securely transferred directly to your local county social services office, since Medi-Cal is provided at the county level.
** If you need additional help applying or have additional questions, you can contact a trained Certified Enrollment Counselor (CEC) for free.
** Search a list of local CECs or call 1-800-300-1506.
** If you have already submitted an application online and haven’t been contacted yet, please don’t submit a duplicate application.

Start Using Your Benefits :
These ten comprehensive services include the following categories :
** Outpatient (Ambulatory) services
** Emergency services
** Hospitalization
** Maternity and Newborn care
** Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services, including Behavioral Health Treatment
** Prescription Drugs
** Programs such as physical and occupational therapy (known as Rehabilitative & Habilitative Services) and devices
** Laboratory services
** Preventive and wellness services & chronic disease management
Children’s (Pediatric) services, including oral and vision care.

Frequently Asked Questions about Medi-Cal :
What is Medi-Cal?
** Medi-Cal offers free or low-cost health coverage for California residents who meet eligibility requirements. Most applicants who apply through Covered California and enroll in Medi-Cal will receive care through managed health plans.

** Medi-Cal has always covered low-income children, pregnant women and families. On January 1, 2014, California expanded

** Medi-Cal eligibility to include low-income adults. When you complete a Covered California application, your eligibility for Medi-Cal will automatically be determined. You can apply for Medi-Cal benefits regardless of your sex, race, religion, color, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, or veteran status.

2. How much does Medi-Cal cost?
** For many individuals who enroll in Medi-Cal, there is no premium, no co-payment, and no out of pocket cost. Some households will see affordable costs, such as a low monthly premium.

** For some Medi-Cal children, the monthly premiums are $13 per child up to a family maximum of $39 per month. In general, individuals in Medi-Cal will get the same health benefits available through Covered California at a lower cost.

3. What is the difference in coverage between Medi-Cal and Covered California?
** Medi-Cal is health coverage, just like the coverage offered through Covered California. Medi-Cal provides benefits similar to the coverage options available through Covered California, but often at lower or no cost to you or your family. All of the health plans offered through Covered California or by Medi-Cal include the same comprehensive set of benefits known as “essential health benefits.”

Essential health benefits consist of :
** Outpatient (Ambulatory) services
** Emergency services
** Hospitalization
** Maternity and Newborn care

** Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services, including Behavioral Health Treatment
** Prescription Drugs
** Programs such as physical and occupational therapy (known as Rehabilitative & Habilitative Services) and devices

** Laboratory services
** Preventive and wellness services & chronic disease management
** Children’s (Pediatric) services, including oral and vision care.

** A recent survey of Medi-Cal members by the California Healthcare Foundation (CHCF) found that 90% of respondents rate Medi-Cal as a good or very good program. Medi-Cal emphasizes prevention-oriented health care that promotes health and well-being and works to ensure members receive the right care at the right time.

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