Applying for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad : US Embassy & Consulates in Germany

Name of the Organization : U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Germany
Type of Facility : Applying for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad – CRBA
State : Berlin
Country : Germany

Website :
Application Form :

Applying for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad :

Birth :
** As a U.S. citizen parent(s), you should report your child’s birth abroad as soon as possible to the U.S. Embassy or a U.S. Consulate to establish an official record of the child’s claim to or acquisition of U.S. citizenship at birth.

Related : US Embassy & Consulates in Germany Applying for a U.S. Passport :

** The official record will be the Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA), Form FS-240.
** This form is evidence of U.S. citizenship, issued to a child born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent or parents who meet the requirements for transmitting citizenship under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
** CRBA applications must be made before the child’s 18th birthday.

Applying for a CRBA :
** Applying for a CRBA is a simple process, but does require you to collect and submit some documentation.
** We offer this service by appointment only in Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich and at our Consular Agency in Bremen.
** Generally speaking, both parents should appear along with their child, to apply.
** For your convenience, if both parents appear, you may also apply for your child’s first passport and social security number when you report your child’s birth.
** To Apply for Your Child’s Consular Report of Birth Abroad, please complete Form DS-2029 , Application for Consular Report of Birth Abroad.

Then schedule an appointment for the service, and bring payment for the appropriate fee, along with the following supporting documents :
Child’s German Birth Certificate :
** This is the German birth certificate issued by local authorities on request.
** This document must show the biological parents’ names.
** Other short-form birth certificates (like the “Geburtsurkunde”) are not acceptable for documenting your child as a U.S. citizen.

Note :
** Children born before January 1, 2009 may have been issued an “Abstammungsurkunde.”
** All Abstammungsurkunden issued before January 1, 2009 are also acceptable.
** Please bring the original and two photocopies of the document.

Related Post

Evidence of Parents’ Citizenship and Identity :
** Your current passport is the preferred form of proof.
** A U.S. birth certificate or naturalization certificate is also acceptable, but in this case, you must also present government-issued photo ID.
** Please bring the original plus 2 photocopies of the bio page of the passport or/and Certificate of Naturalization or Citizenship.

For married parents, a marriage certificate :
** If your certificate is in a language other than English or German, a certified translation must be provided.
** Please bring the original and 1 photocopy of the document.

For parents with prior marriages :
** we require divorce decrees, annulments, or death certificates showing that the marriages have ended, legally speaking.
** If your document is in a language other than English or German, a certified translation must be provided.
** Please bring the original and 1 photocopy of the document.

Proof of the U.S. citizen parent’s physical presence in the U.S. :
Examples of acceptable primary evidence of this physical presence include –
** Original school transcripts, records of military service showing nature of discharge (if any), Social Security income statements, and employment records.
** Please submit original statements rather than copies of originals.

Secondary evidence might include :
** income tax returns filed in the U.S., utility bills, medical records, former/current passports with stamps, airline ticket stubs, credit card bills, or notarized affidavits from former/current employers.
** The amount of time you must demonstrate that you resided in the U.S. to transmit citizenship to your child will depend on your marital status and if only one or both parents are U.S. citizens.
** More information can be found here at
** Please bring the original and 1 photocopy of the document.

If the parents are not married or if the unmarried U.S. citizen :
** father is not present on the day of the application, we need a notarized affidavit of parentage, physical presence, and financial support from the father.
** Please fill out the DS-5507 Affidavit of Parentage and Physical Presence (pdf).
** For unmarried U.S. citizen fathers, we also require a legal statement recognizing paternity (“Vaterschaftsanerkennung”) and a legal statement regarding custody (“Sorgerechterklärung”).

** Please bring the original and 1 photocopy of the document.
** If you also wish to apply for your child’s first passport, please also bring the forms outlined here.
** To apply for your child’s Social Security number, please also complete an SS-5 Application for Social Security Card (pdf).
** Further general information on this subject and the application form can be found on the main website for the Social Security Administration or by emailing directly to Frankfurt AT © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map