easternbank.com Online Loan Payment United States of America : Eastern Bank

Name of the Organization : Eastern Bank
Type of Facility : Online Loan Payment
State : Massachusetts
Country : United States of America

Website : https://www.easternbank.com/site/personal/banking/services/Pages/online_loan_payment.aspx

Online Loan Payment :

** If you have an Eastern Bank loan account, you can use our Online Loan Payment service to make your loan payment in minutes – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Related : Eastern Bank Register for Telephone Banking USA : www.statusin.org/24900.html

** Payments received prior to 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time on any business day are posted to your loan account the same day.

Online Loan Payment Pricing :
Online Payments :
** There is a $1.50 loan payment processing fee for each payment made using the Online Loan Payment service website.

Phone Payments :
** If you call Eastern Bank and provide your payment information to a customer service representative, there is a $10.00 loan payment processing fee for each payment.

Collection of Loan Payment Processing Fee :
** The loan payment processing fee is added to the amount of the loan payment and this combined amount is debited from your Funding Account and credited to Eastern Bank.

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Unenrolled Option : Make a payment
** This option is for customers that only have an occasional need to make a payment online.
** Each time you make a payment, you will need to enter complete payment information, including your loan account number, payment amount and funding account information.

Enrolled Option :
** This option is for customers that want to use Online Loan Payments as their primary method of making payment.
** It stores certain payment information, such as funding account, eliminating the need to enter this information each time you make a payment.
** This option also allows you to view your payment history and set up recurring payments.

Features and Benefits :
** No more writing checks and sending payments in the mail.
** Make a payment at anytime, from anywhere.
** Have your payment posted the same day.1
** Use a checking account at any financial institution to fund your loan payment.
** For more information, please call 1-800-EASTERN (327-8376).

Online Loan Payment Agreement :
A. Introduction :
** This Online Loan Payment Service Agreement applies to the loan payment services that permit Eastern Bank customers (consumers, sole proprietors and a limited number of other business customers) to pay their Eastern Bank loan(s) through the use of a personal computer and the internet.

** This Agreement supplements the terms and conditions in the loan documents that govern your loan accounts. If there is any conflict between this Agreement and the loan documents, the terms and conditions of the loan documents will prevail.
** You should read this Agreement carefully to understand how our Internet services and features work, as well as your rights and obligations if you use these services.

B. Agreeing to this Agreement :
** By using the Online Loan Payment Service (the “Service”), you acknowledge that you have received and understand the terms of this Agreement and agree to be bound by the provisions of this Agreement and any amendments that are made from time to time.
** You should retain a copy of this Agreement for your records. If you are unable to print this Agreement, we will mail you a paper copy at your request.
** You agree that email or other electronic communications that we send you shall be treated as “writing” and shall bind each of us in the same way as a written communication.

C. Accessing the Service :
** To make a loan payment using the Service, you must have an active Eastern Bank loan account.
** This Service may only be used for payments on Eastern Bank loan accounts and not for payments to any third parties.
** If you have an Eastern Bank checking account, you may use our Eastern HomeConnect® Online Banking and Bill Payment service to make payments on your Eastern Bank loan account, as well as payments to third parties.
** To access the Service’s Internet site, you must use a browser with 128-bit encryption.

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