How to pay Council Tax : Liverpool City

Name of the Organization : Liverpool City Council
Type of Facility : How to pay Council Tax
State : Liverpool
Country : England

Website :

Liverpool How to pay Council Tax

** There are a number of ways to pay your Council Tax.

Related : Liverpool Citizens Support Scheme :

Pay online :
** Paying online is easy and secure.
** We accept all major debit and credit cards.
** Paying online is easy and secure.

The cards we accept :
** The cards we accept are Visa Credit, Visa Debit, UK Maestro, International Maestro, Mastercard, Solo, Electron and JCB.

By Direct Debit :
** It’s easy and safe to set up or change or a Direct Debit using My Council Tax Online.

By Direct Debit :
** It’s easy and safe to set up or change a Direct Debit using our My Council Tax Online system.

You will need the following items before you start :
** Your Council Tax reference number.
** Your bank account number and sort code (you must be the holder of the bank account and authorised to set up a Direct Debit).

Set up or change a Direct Debit :
** To set up or change a Direct Debit, please access the ‘Council Tax Notifications’ facility in My Council Tax Online via the button below, and create a new notification by using the ‘Start’ button under the ‘New Notification’ heading.
** You will need to accept pop-ups on this site.
** If you change a Direct Debit your new instructions will overwrite those we already have.
** Please allow 14 days before the date your account would usually be debited for these changes to be made.

Related Post

Cancel a Direct Debit :
** You can cancel a Direct Debit by contacting your bank.
** Please also contact us to let us know you have done this.

With your barcode :
** The barcode on your bill can be used to make payments at any Post Office or PayPoint outlet.

Where can I find my barcode?
** On the front of your bill is a barcode which can be scanned and used to make payments at any Post Office or PayPoint outlet free of charge.
** The barcode cannot be used at banks.

How does it work?
** This barcode includes details of your payment reference number and replaces payment cards.
** Your existing payment card can still be used but will not be replaced.
** Hand the bill with barcode and your payment to the cashier, telling them how much you want to pay.
** The cashier will process your payment and give you back bill and barcode back with a paper receipt.
** Keep the receipt as proof of payment.

When should I pay?
** The Post Office or PayPoint are not our agents.
** You should make sure that you pay at least seven days before the payment is due to make sure your payment reaches us in time.

How much should I pay?
** Your Council Tax bill shows the instalment amounts and the dates on which you should pay them.
** If you lose your barcode or have any queries about using it please contact us.

By phone :
** Use our 24-hour automated payment line.
** We accept all major debit and credit cards.

24-hour automated payment line :
** You can pay over the phone using any of the following cards: Visa Credit, Visa Debit, UK Maestro, International Maestro, Mastercard, Solo, Electron and JCB.
** Payments can be made using our automated payment line.

What do I need?
** To make a payment, you will need to have your Council Tax payment reference number ready and know the amount you wish to pay.
** If you don’t know your Council Tax payment reference number then please contact us.

At a One Stop Shop :
** You can use the self-serve payment machines at our City Centre One Stop Shop.
** Municipal Buildings, Dale Street which is open Monday to Friday from 8.30am-5.30pm. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map