swd.gov.hk Social Security Allowance (SSA) Scheme : Social Welfare Department Hong Kong

Name of the Organization : Social Welfare Department Hong Kong
Type of Facility : Social Security Allowance (SSA) Scheme
Country : Hong Kong

Website : http://www.swd.gov.hk/en/index/site_pubsvc/page_socsecu/sub_ssallowance/
Application Form : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/24942-ApplicationSSA.pdf

Social Security Allowance (SSA) Scheme :

** The objective of the SSA Scheme is to provide a monthly allowance to Hong Kong residents who are severely disabled or who are 65 years of age or above to meet special needs arising from disability or old age.

Related : Chinese University Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarship Scheme : www.statusin.org/3523.html

** The Scheme includes Normal Disability Allowance, Higher Disability Allowance, Old Age Allowance and Old Age Living Allowance.
** Except for Old Age Living Allowance, the allowances paid under the scheme are non-means-tested.

1. Eligibility Criteria :
A person is eligible for an allowance under the Scheme if he/she :
A. satisfies the following residence requirements :
** he/she must have been a Hong Kong resident for at least seven years; and
** he/she must have resided in Hong Kong continuously for at least one year immediately before the date of application (absence from Hong Kong up to a maximum of 56 days during the one-year period is treated as residence in Hong Kong).

Note :
(1) Persons whose presence in Hong Kong is unlawful or persons who are permitted to stay in Hong Kong for a purpose other than residence (for example, imported workers or visitors) are excluded from the Scheme.
(2) Hong Kong residents aged below 18 applying for Disability Allowance are exempted from the residence requirements in (a) and (b) above.

(3) In determining whether an SSA applicant has resided in Hong Kong continuously for at least one year immediately before the date of application, consideration can be given to disregarding absences arising from full-time study (for Disability Allowance applicants only) or paid work outside Hong Kong during the one-year period, subject to there being sufficient documentary proof.

Where an applicant has been absent from Hong Kong for more than 56 days during the one-year period because of the need to receive medical treatment outside Hong Kong, the Director of Social Welfare can consider exercising his discretion to disregard the absences exceeding the 56-day limit, subject to the reason for and evidence of receiving medical treatment outside Hong Kong being established.

(4) Absence from Hong Kong means leaving Hong Kong for the Mainland, Macau or overseas countries/territories.**

B. continues to reside in Hong Kong;
C. is not in receipt of any other allowance under the Scheme or assistance under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme;
D. is not being detained in legal custody or admitted to a penal institution; and

E. fulfils the following eligibility criteria required by the individual allowance :
(a) Normal Disability Allowance :
** he/she is certified by the Director of Health or the Chief Executive, Hospital Authority (or under exceptional circumstances by a registered medical practitioner of a private hospital) to be severely disabled;
** and his/her disabling condition will persist for at least 6 months.

(b) Higher Disability Allowance :
** in addition to meeting the eligibility criteria for Normal Disability Allowance above, he/she must be certified by the Director of Health or the Chief Executive, Hospital Authority (or under exceptional circumstances by a registered medical practitioner of a private hospital) to be in need of constant attendance from others in his/her daily life; and

** he/she is not receiving care in residential institutions subsidized by the government (including subsidized places in subvented/contract homes and residential care homes under various bought place schemes) or all public hospitals and institutions under the Hospital Authority, or boarding in special schools under the Education Bureau.

(c) Old Age Allowance :
** he/she is aged 70 or above.

(d) Old Age Living Allowance :
** he/she is aged 65 or above and is having an income and assets not exceeding the prescribed limits.**

2. Amount Payable :
** Allowances are paid at a flat rate to eligible applicants.
Note :
** A monthly Transport Supplement is payable to eligible Disability Allowance applicants who are in the age group of 12 to 64 to encourage them to participate more in activities away from home, thereby enhancing their integration into society.
** It is paid at a flat rate together with the allowance to eligible Disability Allowance applicants.**

3. How to apply :
** The applicant or his/her relative/friend can make an application directly to a social security field unit near to his/her place of residence by phone, by fax, by e-mail, by post or in person.
** An application may also be made through a referral to the Social Welfare Department by another government department or non-governmental organization.

** The applicant can also download the ‘Social Security Allowance Scheme Application Form’ from this homepage and return the completed application form, together with photocopies of relevant supporting documents, to the social security field unit by mail or in person (for details, please refer to the ‘Application for Social Security Allowance Guidance Notes’).

Note :
** The Department accepts the Old Age Living Allowance/Old Age Allowance applicant to make an application within one month before he/she reaches the qualifying age (i.e. the 65th or 70th birthday respectively).
** Under this arrangement, the payment of Old Age Living Allowance/Old Age Allowance will be calculated from the date the applicant fulfils the qualifying age and satisfies all the eligibility criteria.

4. Payment of Allowance :
** Payment will be calculated from the date of receipt of application by the Department (or the date of application or referral if the application is referred by another organization) or the date of eligibility, whichever is the later.

5. Service Charge :
** No service charge is required.

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