Registration/Replacement of Hong Kong Identity Card : Immigration Department

Name of the Organization : Immigration Department
Type of Facility : Registration/Replacement of Hong Kong Identity Card
Country : Hong Kong (China)

Website :
Aged 11 to 17 Application Form
Aged 18 or Over Application Form :
Aged under 11 Application Form :

Registration/Replacement of Hong Kong Identity Card :

Applications by People Aged 11 to 17 :
Who is Required to Apply for Hong Kong Identity Card :
** Under the Registration of Persons Ordinance, all Hong Kong residents aged 11 or over (including those who have been permitted to stay in Hong Kong for more than 180 days) are required to register for an identity card, except those who are exempted or excluded.

Related : Immigration Department Smart Identity Card Hong Kong :

** If a person falls into one of the following categories, he/she is NOT required to apply for an identity card.
** Genuine travellers in transit through Hong Kong or persons who have been permitted to stay for not more than 180 days.

** Children aged under 11 of consuls, consular staff and the Head and members of the Office of the Commission of the European Communities in Hong Kong.
** Children aged under 11 (except for Hong Kong permanent residents who need to apply for permanent identity cards in connection with their applications for HKSAR passports).
** The aged, the blind and the infirm who have been exempted from registering for an identity card by the Commissioner of Registration.

When to Apply for Hong Kong Identity Card :
** If a person is a Hong Kong resident reaching the age of 11, he/she must register for an identity card within 30 days following his/her 11th birthday.
** If such person is outside Hong Kong during the period, he/she must apply for one within 30 days of his/her return to Hong Kong.
** If a person is a new arrival aged 11 or over and has been permitted to stay in Hong Kong for more than 180 days, he/she must register for an identity card within 30 days of arrival.

** If a person holds a permanent identity card issued overseas in connection with a HKSAR passport issued abroad, he/she must apply for a new card within 30 days after returning to Hong Kong (except for persons under the age of 11).
** If a person’s identity card has been lost, destroyed, damaged or defaced, he/she should apply for a replacement card at any Registration of Persons Office within 14 days.

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Processing Time :
** The processing time for an identity card is usually 10 working days (excluding Saturdays and general holidays).

Appointment Booking :
** The appointment booking period for application for a Hong Kong identity card at the Registration of Persons Offices is 24 working days.
** Alternatively, applicants can make appointment bookings through the 24-hour telephone appointment booking hotline 2598 0888.

Supporting Documents :
** The applicant must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian when submitting the application.
** The accompanying parent should produce his/her valid travel document, passport or Hong Kong identity card.
** If the applicant is accompanied by a legal guardian, the guardian must produce his/her valid travel document, passport or Hong Kong identity card and documentary proof of legal guardianship.

If the applicant was born in Hong Kong, he/she should produce originals of his/her :
** Birth certificate.
** Proof of identity (e.g. a valid travel document or passport) or the latest school document (bearing photo authenticated by the school e.g. student handbook or school record card).
** Identity card issued previously (if any).

If the applicant was born outside Hong Kong, he/she should produce originals of his/her :
** Birth certificate.
** One-way Permit (only applicable to new arrivals from the Mainland holding One-way Permit).
** Valid travel document, passport, entry permit or affidavit showing his/her residential status in Hong Kong.
** Identity card issued previously (if any).
** For replacement of a damaged or defaced card, the applicant should produce his/her damaged or defaced identity card.

Applications by People Aged 18 or Over :
Categories of Eligibility :
** Under the Immigration Ordinance, if a person belongs to one of the following categories, he/she is a permanent resident of the HKSAR and enjoys the right of abode.

Chinese Citizens :
** A Chinese citizen born in Hong Kong before or after the establishment of the HKSAR.
** A Chinese citizen who has ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for a continuous period of not less than seven years before or after the establishment of the HKSAR.
** A person of Chinese nationality born outside Hong Kong before or after the establishment of the HKSAR to a parent who, at the time of birth of that person, was a Chinese citizen falling within category (a) or (b).
** The person’s right of abode by virtue of being a permanent resident of the HKSAR under category can only be exercised upon the establishment of his/her status as a permanent resident by holding

** a valid travel document issued to him/her and a valid Certificate of Entitlement also issued to him/her and affixed to the travel document;
** a valid HKSAR passport issued to him/her; or
** a valid permanent identity card issued to him/her.

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