Apply for HKSAR Passport Hong Kong : Immigration Department

Name of the Organization : Immigration Department
Type of Facility : Apply for HKSAR Passport
Country : Hong Kong (China)

Website :
Application Form :

Application for HKSAR Passport :

Eligibility :
A person is eligible to apply for a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Passport if he/she is :
** a Chinese citizen;
** a permanent resident of the HKSAR; and
** a holder of a valid Hong Kong permanent identity card.

Related : Immigration Department Registration of a Birth Hong Kong :

** Before submitting an application for a HKSAR Passport, the person concerned should read the definitions below to ascertain if he/she is a person of Chinese nationality and a permanent resident of the HKSAR.

** In addition, if the person concerned is a permanent resident of the HKSAR but does not have a Hong Kong permanent identity card, he/she must apply for an identity card before applying for a HKSAR Passport.
** The parent/legal guardian of a child aged below 11 should submit the child’s Hong Kong permanent identity card application upon the child’s first application for HKSAR passport.

Chinese National :
A person is regarded as of Chinese nationality if he/she is a Hong Kong resident:
(a) of Chinese descent who was born in Hong Kong or other parts of China; or
(b) who fulfils the criteria of Chinese nationality in the Nationality Law of the People’s Republic of China.
** If the person concerned has declared a change of nationality and is no longer a Chinese national, he/she is not eligible for a HKSAR Passport.

Permanent Resident of the HKSAR :
A person who is within one of the following categories is a permanent resident of the HKSAR :
(a) A Chinese citizen born in Hong Kong before or after the establishment of the HKSAR;
(b) A Chinese citizen who has ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for a continuous period of not less than seven years before or after the establishment of the HKSAR;
(c) A person of Chinese nationality born outside Hong Kong before or after the establishment of the HKSAR to a parent who, at the time of birth of that person, was a Chinese citizen falling within category (a) or (b) above.

Processing Time :
** The Immigration Department pledges to complete the processing of applications in 10 working days after receiving all necessary documents, application fees and photographs, and in 14 working days for applications from children aged under 11 not holding a Hong Kong permanent identity card (working days denote Monday to Friday excluding General Holidays).

** In general, applicants can obtain the new passport on the next working day after the completion of the processing by the Immigration Department. For applications not submitted in person (e.g. via drop-in box), an extra two to three working days may be required.

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** The processing time may be longer for passport application due to loss, damage or change of personal particulars.
** Whether this pledge can be met will also depend on the circumstances of individual applications and the number of applications received at a particular time.
** If applicants have any travel plans, they should apply early.

Means of Application :
In person :
The applicant is required to submit his/her application in person under the following circumstances :
** his/her previous HKSAR passport has been damaged or defaced;
** his/her passport has been lost or is otherwise not available; or
** he/she needs to amend the personal particulars in the passport.

By post :
Applicants can send their applications by post to :
Travel Documents and Nationality (Application) Section
Immigration Department
4/F, Immigration Tower
7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai
Hong Kong

Online :
** Applicants can submit their applications online (except for replacement of a passport which has been lost/damaged/defaced/is not available or amendment of personal particulars in a passport) if they are
** eligible for a HKSAR Passport;
** aged 11 or above ;
** holder of a valid Hong Kong permanent identity card (PIC); and

** able to collect their new passports in person at the selected Immigration Office; for children aged between 11 and 15 and unmarried persons aged 16 or 17, the consenting parent or legal guardian must accompany the child/applicant for collection of the passport in person so as to sign the application form.

Photograph Requirements :
** Applicants must submit their applications with a recent colour photograph with white background that conforms to the specifications as set out in the photograph requirements page accessible here.
** If the application is made for a child who does not have a Hong Kong permanent identity card, an additional colour photograph identical to the one mentioned above should be submitted.
** The photograph should show your full frontal face with clear facial features.
** The photograph should have a plain white background.
** The size of the photograph must be 40mm (width) X 50mm (height).
** The size from chin to crown for the person in the photograph should be 32mm to 36mm.
** There should be sufficient headroom.

The photograph will not be accepted if the applicant in the photograph is :
** Not centred
** Wearing a frame across eyes
** With hair across eyes or eyebrows
** Seen with flash reflection on face/glasses
** With shadow
** Too light
** Too dark

Acceptable File Format of Digital Photograph for Online Application : (For passport application only)
Image type: JPEG
File size: 600Kbytes or below

Acceptable dimension:
** Captured by scanner (600dpi) – Photograph size: 40 mm(W) x 50 mm(H)
** Captured by digital camera – Image size: 1200 px(W) x 1600 px(H)

Fee :
** For applications submitted in person, the application fee can be paid in cash, by EPS or by a crossed cheque payable to ‘The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’.
** For applications submitted through the Self-service Kiosk, the application fee must be paid by EPS.
** For applications submitted by post, a crossed cheque should be enclosed. Post-dated cheques will not be accepted.
** For online applications, applicants must pay the application fee at the time of application by paying online through PPS or credit card (VISA and MasterCard only).

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