Online Application for Extension of Stay Hong Kong : Immigration Department

Name of the Organization : Immigration Department
Type of Facility : Online Application for Extension of Stay
Country : Hong Kong (China)

Website :
Application Form :

Online Application for Extension of Stay :

** If you are applying to extend your stay in Hong Kong you can now do so through a convenient online service.
** Here you can learn about who is eligible to use the service, how to use it and where to go for further information.

Related : Immigration Department Apply for HKSAR Passport Hong Kong :

Foreign domestic helpers :
** You can use this online service if you are a foreign domestic helper who wants to apply for an extension of stay with the same employer for contract renewal or completion of the remainder period of the current contract.

However, you are not eligible to use the service if :

(1) you are not physically present in Hong Kong at the time of submission;
(2) you will not be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of collection of your extension of stay label;
(3) you intend to collect the approved extension of stay label at the Immigration Branch Offices;
(4) you are on visitor status;
(5) your remaining limit of stay is less than 10 days or more than 8 weeks;
(6) your limit of stay has expired;
(7) your travel document will expire in 3 months;
(8) you need to depart Hong Kong and will not return before the expiry of your limit of stay;
(9) your circumstances have changed since entry or last extension of stay (for example change of employer);
(10) you have been notified that your next extension of stay will be subject to review; or
(11) you apply for extension of current contract for one month under mutual agreement.

Documents to be Submitted Online :
** The documents you need to submit with your online application will depend on the type of application you are applying for.
** Documents marked with * are mandatory.

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Contract Renewal :

Documents Maximum no. of files for upload
  • *Form ID988A – Visa/Extension of Stay Application Form for Domestic Helper from Abroad (first 4 pages only)
  • *Form ID988B – Application for Employment of Domestic Helper from Abroad (first 4 pages only)
  • *Form ID407 – Employment Contract for a Domestic Helper Recruited from Outside Hong Kong (New)
  • Form ID934A – Application for Special Permission for Performance of Motor Driving Duties by Foreign Domestic Helpers (first 2 pages only)
  • *Copy of the helper’s travel document including the pages showing his/her personal particulars, photo, passport validity, latest visa label and the latest landing endorsement/landing slip
  • Copy of the valid registration license of the vehicle (if motor driving duties are required)
  • Copy of the valid Hong Kong driving license of the helper (if motor driving duties are required)
  • Other supporting documents [for example: proof of employer’s financial position and residential address (if there is change in the information since the last employment contract)]

How to Start :
** Once you have prepared your application forms and supplementary documents, you can access the online service through the following link.
** Online application for extension of stay

You will then need to enter the following information :
** the application reference number of your latest visa, entry permit or extension of stay application;
** your date of birth;
** your current limit of stay; and
** the expiry date of your travel document

Other non-permanent residents :
Who can Use this Service :
** You can use the online service to submit your extension of stay application if you fall into one of the following categories.

(1) Persons admitted under the following arrangements/schemes or their dependants
– General Employment Policy
– Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals
– Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)
– Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong   Permanent Residents (ASSG)
(2) Persons admitted under Supplementary Labour Scheme
(3) Persons with student status or their dependants
(4) Dependants of Hong Kong permanent residents or residents who are not subject to a limit of stay (i.e. residents with the right to land or on unconditional stay)

However, you are not eligible to use the service if:

(1) you are not physically present in Hong Kong at the time of submission;
(2) you will not be physically present in Hong Kong at the time of collection of your extension of stay label;
(3) you intend to collect the approved extension of stay label at the Immigration Branch Offices;
(4) you are on visitor status;
(5) your remaining limit of stay is more than 4 weeks;
(6) your limit of stay has expired;
(7) your travel document will expire in 3 months;
(8) you need to depart Hong Kong and will not return before the expiry of your limit of stay;
(9) your circumstances have changed since entry or your last extension of stay (for example, you have changed employer, sponsor, school or study programme);
(10) you have been notified that your next extension of stay will be subject to review; or
(11) you were admitted under IANG or ASSG and have not secured employment in Hong Kong.

File Formats :
Before uploading the required documents you will need to scan them in one of the following formats :
Image type: JPG or TIF (CCITT-G4)
Image resolution: 200dpi or above
File size: 1Mbytes or below for each file
Colour depth: Grayscale (for documents without photos) & Colour (for documents with photos)

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