: Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme Hong Kong

Name of the Organization : Labour Department, Government of Hong Kong
Type of Facility : Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme
Country : Hong Kong

Website :

Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme :

** The Work Incentive Transport Subsidy (WITS) Scheme helps low-income earners reduce their cost of travelling to and from work and encourages them to secure or stay in employment.

Related : Welfare Department Hong Kong Social Security Allowance (SSA) Scheme :

How to Apply :
** Applicants may apply for WITS for the previous 6 to 12 months in each application.
** WITS is granted according to the calendar month and applicants will receive the subsidy for each eligible month.
** Applicants can choose between individual-based or household-based application upon first application or re-application every 6 to 12 months.

Applicants of the same household can opt for :
** 1. each applicant to be assessed individually; or
** 2. all applicants and household members to be assessed together as a household.
** For the convenience of applicants, applications can be submitted by post and WITS is paid through bank transfer.

Eligibility Criteria :
Applicants must meet the following criteria :
** being employed or self-employed, and lawfully employable in Hong Kong;
** incurring travelling expenses in commuting to and from work;
** meeting the monthly income and asset limits (please refer to Appendix (Text Alternative) ); and
** working no less than 72 hours per month (if applying for full-rate subsidy of $600 per month) or working less than 72 hours but at least 36 hours per month (if applying for half-rate subsidy of $300 per month).

Applicants will not concurrently receive other similar employment-related transport subsidies provided by the Government including :
** Temporary Financial Aid for travelling expenses to and from work under the employment assistance projects and special grants covering travelling expenses to and from work for the elderly, persons in ill-health and those disabled provided under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme;

** Temporary Financial Aid for travelling expenses to and from work under the case management and employment support services of Labour Department Employment in One-stop.

** Full-time students and trainees not in employment are not eligible for WITS.
** For arrangements related to the Low-income Working Family Allowance, please refer to the Additional Information for Guidance Notes on Application for Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme (Text Alternative) .

Application Documents :
** Individual-based applicants should submit Individual Application Form.
** Household-based applicants should submit one Household Application Form for each household.

Distribution Points of Application Documents :
** WITS Division of the Labour Department
** Job Centres and Industry-based Recruitment Centres of the Labour Department
** Public Enquiry Service Centres of the Home Affairs Department
** Social Security Field Units of the Social Welfare Department
** To download from this homepage

Submission of Application :
** By post# or by hand to the WITS Division of the Labour Department; or
** Through the Application Drop-in Boxes at the Job Centres, Construction Industry Recruitment Centre or Headquarters of the Labour Department. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map