How Do Join A Library Online United Kingdom : County Council

Name of the Organization : Gloucestershire County Council
Type of Facility : How Do Join A Library Online
State : Gloucester
Country : United Kingdom

Website :

How Do Join A Library Online :

** If you apply online you will be given a temporary borrower number and PIN.
** To complete your registration you need to visit a Gloucestershire Library with your temporary number and some ID showing your name and address.

Related : Gloucestershire County Council Register A Death UK :

** Any of the following is acceptable proof of identity – additional proof will be required if the document does not have a current address.

Any one of the following is acceptable proof of identity – additional proof will be required if the document does not have a current address :
** Driving Licence
** NHS medical card
** Finance documentation showing name and address eg Building Society pass book
** Utility bills
** Council tax bill or payment book
** DSS Benefit book
** Mortgage repayment card
** Any personally addressed item which has been through the postal system
** In cases where an individual does not have proof of address we will consider alternative evidence as proof of ID although it is on a case by case basis therefore please talk to a member of library staff.

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Join at a library :
** You can join at any of our libraries. We will need to see proof of your name and address (proof of ID) and you can start borrowing immediately.

What proof of ID do I need?
** We need to see an official document with your name and address on it e.g. a utilities bill or bank statement (as listed under online joining).
** Only one proof of ID is needed. Alternatively, you can also use a valid library card from any other library service in England, Wales or Northern Ireland

What services can I use when I join?
Members can :
** Borrow up to 20 books (including spoken word CDs or cassettes) .
** Up to 6 DVDs or Videos and 6 Music CDs can be borrowed at any one time.
** The loan period for books and spoken word items is 21 days, and 7 days for music CDs, videos and DVDs.
** Search, order, renew and manage your account.
** Use the download library for e-books and audio books.
** Access computers and the internet.

** All our libraries have computers with free internet access and Microsoft Office software.
** Cirencester and Cheltenham libraries also have free WiFi areas. You can book time on a library computer on-line.
** Learn in libraries and do online training courses at your local library.
** Borrow items from any Gloucestershire library
** If you can’t easily get to a library you can use the Library Club or our Home Library Service.

I am visiting Gloucestershire can I use a library?
** If you have with you a valid library card from any other library service in England, Wales or Northern Ireland we will sign you in as a visitor.
** Your ‘home’ library card acts as your guarantee to us.
** Visitors can also use library computers without joining the library. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map