Lost/Stolen or Expired Green Card : Consulate General of the United States

Name of the Organization : Consulate General of the United States Shanghai China
Type of Facility : Apply for Lost/Stolen or Expired Green Cards
State : Shanghai
Country : China

Website :

Lost/Stolen or Expired Green Card :

** U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issues alien registration cards (I-551) to immigrants who are legally admitted for residence in the United States.

Related : Consulate General of the United States Shanghai China Replacing a Lost or Stolen Passport :

** Alien registration cards (commonly known as “green cards”) can only be issued or replaced in the United States and can never be obtained overseas.

** A green card is required for re-entry into the United States as a legal permanent resident.
** If your green card has been lost or stolen, you may be able to obtain a “boarding foil” authorizing an airline or other transportation company to transport you to the United States without penalty.

To issue a “boarding foil”, USCIS must be satisfied that you clearly meet the requirements below :
** Were a legal permanent resident of the U.S. at the time of their departure and had the intention of returning to the U.S after a short visit aboard;

Related Post

** Continue to maintain a residence in the U.S. and are in status as an LPR;
** Have not formally abandoned their resident status (by filing Form I-407);
** Have not been outside the U.S. for a continuous period of one year (365 days) or more unless authorized by the U.S. Government
** You must complete an FORM I-90.

Please also bring the following documents :
** Completed Form I-90
** Your valid passport
** Proof of date of last departure from the United States, including copies of your passport photograph page and arrival-departure stamps.
** One color passport photo on white background (5×5 cm or 2×2 in)
** Your greencard (I-551)

** If you lost your greencard in China, a police report explaining the circumstances of the loss or theft (if applicable) with notarized English translation
** If you lost your greencard outside of China, a notarized affidavit explaining the circumstances of the loss or theft (if applicable). The notary can be performed at the Consulate for an additional fee.
** Proof of your last departure from the United States being within 1 year

Note :
** Applicants who were issued a conditional resident card valid for two years should also bring proof that they filed an I-751petition to remove conditions of residence with USCIS.
** The minimum processing time for this service is three to five business days from time of interview.
** If issued, your boarding foil is only valid for 30 days and one entry.
** Once ready, you will be notified for passport pick-up.

2. Lapsed Green Cards :
** A Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) whose status has lapsed due to a failure to maintain a residence in the United States may in certain circumstances be granted an SB1 visa allowing readmission.
** Shanghai ACS does not process SB1 applications.

Contact Address :
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
U.S. Consulate General
43 Hua Jiu Road, Zhujiang New Town
Tianhe District
Guangzhou, China
** 020-3814-5880 (within China)
** 011-8620-3814-5880 (from the United States)
Fax :
** 020-3814-5883 (within China)
** 011-8620-3814-5883 (from the United States)
E-mail :
** CIS.Guangzhou AT
** No interview or appointment is required if you submit your I-407 by mail. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map