Apply for Social Insurance Number Canada : Citizenship and Immigration

Name of the Organization : Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Type of Facility : Apply for Social Insurance Number
Country : Canada
Website :

ESDC Apply for Social Insurance Number

Overview :
** The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a nine-digit number that you need to work in Canada or to have access to government programs and benefits.

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** A SIN is issued to one person only and it cannot legally be used by anyone else. You are responsible for protecting your SIN.
** Store any document containing your SIN and personal information in a safe place—do not keep your SIN with you.

** Service Canada is now issuing SINs in paper format (confirmation of SIN letter).
** Production of the plastic SIN card has stopped, however, SIN cards that are not expired and are currently in circulation can still be used.


** If you are a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident or a temporary resident, you need a Social Insurance Number (SIN) to work in Canada or to receive benefits and services from government programs.

** Children who are 12 years of age or older may apply for their own SIN.

** Parents and individuals who are legally authorized to act on behalf of the applicant (for example, a legal guardian or legal representative) can also apply for a SIN for children under the age of majority in their province, and adults in their care.

Before you apply

** To apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN), to request a confirmation of your SIN or to amend your SIN record, you must provide primary documents that prove your identity and legal status in Canada.

** If the name indicated on your primary documents is different than the name you are currently using, you must also provide supporting documents.
** If you are applying for someone else, you may need to provide additional documents.

Notes :
** You must provide original documents; photocopies are not accepted.

** All documents must be written in English or French or be accompanied by an official translation attested to by the translator before a notary public, or prepared by an officer of a foreign government or an official of a British or Canadian consulate.

Primary documents :
** A primary document is an official document that proves your identity and status in Canada.

Canadian citizens must provide an original of one of the following :
** Certificate of Birth or Birth Certificate issued by the vital statistics agency in the province or territory where you were born.

Notes :
** You must provide original documents; photocopies are not accepted.

** All documents must be written in English or French or be accompanied by an official translation attested to by the translator before a notary public, or prepared by an officer of a foreign government or an official of a British or Canadian consulate.

** In most cases, original Certificates of Birth and Birth Certificates are considered acceptable to apply for a SIN.

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** However, some birth certificates, although they are original documents issued by a vital statistics agency, may no longer be considered valid by the issuing province or meet the requirements due to various reasons.

** Only upon review of the document is Service Canada able to determine its validity.
** We do not accept Quebec proof of birth documents issued prior to 1994.

If you are a registered Indian and you want to register your status in your SIN record, you must provide :
**  your Birth Certificate (see section on Canadian citizens) and a Certificate of Indian Status issued by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)

** Certificate of Canadian Citizenship issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
** Certificate of Registration of Birth Abroad issued prior to 1977 by IRCC.

Permanent residents must provide an original of one of the following :
** Permanent resident card issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

** Confirmation of permanent residence issued by IRCC, accompanied by either a travel document (for example, a foreign passport) or an alternate photo identification issued by a provincial/territorial authority (for example, a driver’s licence).

Note :
** The Confirmation of permanent residence is acceptable if used within one year of the date you became a permanent resident.
** The permanent resident card is required after this period.

** Record of Landing issued by IRCC before June 28, 2002.
** Verification of Landing issued by IRCC.
** This document is provided when an original Record of Landing or the Confirmation of permanent residence is not available (if it has been lost, for example).

** This document is only acceptable to amend a SIN record or to obtain a confirmation of an existing SIN.
** Status Verification or Verification of Status issued by IRCC.

** This document is only acceptable to amend a SIN record or to obtain a confirmation of an existing SIN.

How to Apply

** There is no fee to apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN).

Applying in person :
** To apply for your SIN, to obtain a confirmation of your SIN or to amend your SIN record, simply gather all the required original documents and take them to the nearest Service Canada office.

** If everything is in order, you will get your SIN during your visit and you will not need to part with your documents.
** Special measures are in place to accommodate individuals who cannot apply in person at a Service Canada office.

Applying by mail :
Only individuals in these circumstances are permitted to apply by mail :
** Individuals living 100 km or more from the nearest Service Canada office, in an inaccessible area or where outreach is very infrequent may apply by mail.

** To determine if you are eligible to apply for a SIN by mail, please enter your residential postal code in the box below and click “Submit”.

** Individuals who have other extenuating limitations that prevent them from visiting a Service Canada point of service and who cannot use the assistance of another individual to submit an application on their behalf may be eligible to apply by mail.

Note :
** Individuals must call 1-800-206-7218 (select Option #3) to determine if they are eligible to apply by mail.
** Individuals applying from outside Canada.

What you need to apply by mail :
** A completed SIN application form (you can order the form by phone at 1-506-548-7961; long distance charges apply).
** The required original documents.

Send your completed application form and original documents (photocopies are not accepted) to :
Service Canada
Social Insurance Registration Office
PO Box 7000
Bathurst, New Brunswick E2A 4T1

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