Business Support Scheme BSS : Isle of Man Department of Economic Development

Name of the Organization : Isle of Man Department of Economic Development’s
Type of Facility : Business Support Scheme BSS
Country : Isle of Man

Website :
Guidelines :

Business Support Scheme :

** The Business Support Scheme (‘BSS’) is an initiative of the Department of Economic Development (‘DED’) designed to help businesses develop their business skills and management competencies.

Related : Isle of Man Government STEP Programme :

** The scheme offers a grant of 50% towards the cost of projects in a wide range of business disciplines up to a maximum level of assistance of £4500 per project.

** The range of services on offer to businesses include expert consultancy to deliver complete business solutions, including hardware and software where appropriate, and strategic business development advice including mentorship.

** The Business Support Scheme encompasses 11 key disciplines that cover all aspects of business.

These are :
** Marketing
** Design
** E-business
** Environmental efficiency
** Human resources development
** Quality
** Operations management
** Business and strategic planning
** Information communication technology/information systems
** Business and financial management controls
** Retail Consultancy
** Each BSS project delivers a complete business solution in any of the business disciplines above.
** The scheme guidelines and application form can also be found on this page.

What do I get?
The assistance is made up of three parts :
Part 1 :
** is a free of charge meeting with a Business Development Consultant (BDC) to discuss your business needs, where your business is now and where you want it to be in the future.

Part 2 :
** is the delivery of a project in one of the 10 business disciplines (further details of which are appended as Appendix 1) which have been identified during Part 1 as being of most benefit to your business.

Related Post

Part 3 :
** is a free of charge review one year after the completion of the project to assess the success of the project and repeat of Part 1 to establish which, if any, project is now required developing your business further

One Year Follow-Up :
** One year after the completion of a project, the Scheme Manager shall invite the relevant Business Development Consultant to visit the business in order to carry out a follow-up visit.

** The purpose of the visit will be to determine the effectiveness of the project(s) and to make an assessment of the extent to which the project delivered the Expected Outcomes as defined in the BDC Report.

** The BDC may also offer any suggestions in order to further assist the business including the offer of a further project should this be appropriate.
** Details shall be recorded by the BDC on a Post Completion Questionnaire Form which shall then be submitted to the Scheme Manager.
** The Scheme Manager shall assess the findings of the follow up visit and take appropriate action.

How does the Business Support Scheme work?
** Once you have applied for assistance under the BSS, the scheme manager will arrange for a business development consultant (‘BDC’) to visit you to carry out a free of charge strategic review of your business.
** This review will be made available to you in the form of a report, which is yours to keep.
** If you wish to proceed with a BSS project, you will need to select a project consultant from the consultants list.
** A copy of the BDC’s report will be sent to the scheme manager BSS who will ensure adherence to all requirements.

Note :
** The business development consultant and any project consultant subsequently appointed are independent contrators and are not employees of the department.
** The department will not be a party to any subsequent contract entered into between the business and project consultant.
** The consultant will then work with you in order to formulate a detailed project, and to produce an agreed contract.

** A free mentoring programme is available through your BDC, for up to three hours over 6 months once your project has been agreed.
** The BSS Manager will approve the contract, and be available to help at all times.
** Once complete the department will pay 50% of the cost of the project to a maximum of £4500 assistance.

** You will pay the other 50%.
** No payment will be made until you are satisfied with the work carried out.

Contact Us :
If you are interested in becoming a consultant for the Department of Economic Development’s Business Support Scheme please contact us.
Business Support Team
Department of Economic Development
St George’s Court
Upper Church Street
Isle of Man
Telephone:+44 1624 687333

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