Free Trade Agreement Transhipment Facilitation Scheme Hong Kong : Excise Department

Name of the Organization : Customs & Excise Department Hong Kong
Type of Facility : Free Trade Agreement Transhipment Scheme (FTA)
Twon : Kwai Chung
Country : Hong Kong

Website :
Application Form :

Free Trade Agreement Transhipment Facilitation Scheme : (FTA)

Application Procedure :
** Application should be submitted to C&ED at least one calendar day before the arrival of the consignment by completing the application form and providing the supporting documents required.

 Related : Customs & Excise Department First Time Registration of Motor Vehicle Hong Kong :

** The application form and supporting documents can be submitted through email, fax or in person.
** Based on the mode of transportation and the processing required, C&ED will calculate the fee and issue a General Demand Note to the Applicant.

** After payment of the fee by the applicant, C&ED will process the application and provide supervision services (if applicable).
** Upon completion of application processing, a “Certificate of Non-manipulation” * will be issued to the Applicant.

** The importing signatory countries can check the consignments against the information provided on the “Certificate of Non-manipulation” issued by C&ED when considering an application for preferential tariff.

** Trader has the responsibility to provide the importing signatory countries with the Certificate of Non-manipulation and documents supporting their eligibility to apply for preferential tariff.

** In principle, China Customs accepts traders to provide copy of Certificate of Non-manipulation to apply for preferential tariff; however, China Customs has the authority to request traders to produce the original copy for verification.

Supporting Document required for Application :
** Hong Kong Business Registration Certificate of the applicant;
** The through bill of lading of the cargo concerned;
** Certificate of Origin of the cargo concerned;
** Packing list (only applicable to bulk cargo or cargo that needs to be consolidated (vanning/devanning));
** Authorization Letter of the cargo owner (if applicable);
** A complete storage record of the cargo during their transhipment stay in Hong Kong (only applicable for cargo heading for Korea); and
** Other relevant supporting document (if applicable).

Service Fees :
** All applications of the FTA Scheme are required to pay for Category D of the following table for documentation processing.
** For cargo that needs to be consolidated or repacked in Hong Kong, additional fee is required based on different modes of transport and processing methods under Categories A to C as follows

Category Mode of Transport Processing Method Fee (HK$)
A Consignment arriving by Air/Land/Sea Cargo consolidation
B Consignment arriving by Air Cargo consolidation
(repacking or others)
C Consignment arriving by Land/Sea Cargo consolidation
(repacking or others)
D Consignment arriving by Air/Land/Sea Documentary processing 155

Payment Method :
The applicant may choose one of the following methods to settle payment and get a payment receipt :
** In person by cash or cheque at Kwai Chung Customhouse or Customs Command Centre, HACTL Super Terminal 1, Hong Kong International Airport;
** In person at any office of the Hongkong Post (except mobile post office) ;
** In person at convenience stores specified in the General Demand Note;
** At any automated teller machine, i.e. ATM (with the label of “Payment Service” or “JETCO”);
** Through e-banking; or
** Through Payment by Phone Service, i.e. PPS by Internet (Merchant Code – 9174).

Remarks: (1) The payment receipt should be submitted to C&ED through email, fax or in person as soon as possible to facilitate further processing of application.
(2) Fees are non-refundable after payment.
(3) The applicant must present the original copies of the payment receipt and concerned supporting document for collection of Certificate of Non-manipulation.
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