First Time Registration of Motor Vehicle Hong Kong : Excise Department

Name of the Organization : Customs and Excise Department
Type of Facility : First Time Registration of Motor Vehicle
Country : Hong Kong

Website :

Customs First Time Registration of Motor Vehicle

** Customs and Excise Department, Environmental Protection Department and Transport Department will be involved separately in the importation to and registration of motor vehicles in Hong Kong.

Related : Customs & Excise Department Free Trade Agreement Transhipment Facilitation Scheme Hong Kong :

** The following guidelines explain the relevant necessary procedures.

** For importation and registration of a pure electric vehicle (PEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), please refer to “Guidelines for Importation & Registration of Pure Electric Vehicle (PEV) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)”.

Step 1 : Compliance with the Exhaust and Noise Emissions Standard
** You are advised to obtain approval / exemption from the Environmental Protection Department before shipping your vehicle into Hong Kong.

** You are required to prove your vehicle is fully compliant with the emission standards in the Air Pollution Control (Vehicle Design Standards)(Emission) Regulation and Noise Control (Motor Vehicles) Regulation.

** Proof of emission compliance can be documents issued by vehicle manufacturers or emission testing report issued by an approved test laboratory.
** You should submit application form to the Environmental Protection Department for approval together with all original supporting documents.
** Subject to the fulfillment of exemption criteria, certain catergories of vehicles may be exempted from complying the exhaust emission standard.
** You may apply to the Environmental Protection Department for the exemption.

** Enquiries on approved test laboratories, emission standards and exemption criteria can be made to telephone numbers: (852)2877 0448 (Exhaust emission); (852)2411 9665 (Noise emission) or fax number: (852)2824 9361.

Step 2 : Importation
** Vehicle, no matter whether it is a company car or not, imported into Hong Kong is not subject to any Customs tax, but in general, an importer is required to lodge with the Customs and Excise Department an accurate and complete declaration within 14 days of importation.

** For importer already registered with one of the three service providers appointed by the Government, he can lodge import declaration to the Government directly from his personal computer.

** For occasional importer and individual, they can lodge import declarations at the service centres set up by the service providers and their partners to convert paper declarations for electronic transmission.

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** For further information about the electronic lodgement service, or to register for using the service, please call (in alphabetical order) Brio Electronic Commerce Ltd at 2111 1288, Global e-Trading Services Ltd at 8201 0082, or Tradelink Electronic Commerce Ltd at 2599 1700.

** Also, within 30 days of the importation of your vehicle, you should submit an Import Return (Form No. CED336) enclosing with a Declaration Form (Form No. CED336A) to the Customs and Excise Department or through the Motor Vehicles First Registration Tax System website.

** Enquiries on the submission of Import Return can be made at Tel No. (852) 3759 2555.

** Any importer of a motor vehicle for use in Hong Kong, fails to file the import return within 30 days of the importation of a motor vehicle into Hong Kong, commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of $500,000 and to imprisonment for 12 months.

** Following the submission of your Import Return, you will receive a “Notification of Motor Vehicle Provisional Taxable Value” of your vehicle from the Customs and Excise Department.
** You should produce the Notification upon the first registration of your vehicle in the Transport Department.

Step 3 : Vehicle Examination
** Before importing a vehicle, you are reminded to ensure that it meets the applicable requirements for registration in Hong Kong, and that documentary evidence is available to demonstrate compliance where applicable.

** Upon the arrival of your imported vehicle in Hong Kong, you should approach the following Vehicle Examination Centre to arrange for the vehicle examination.

** You are required to bring along with the approval letter issued by the Environmental Protection Department to show that your car has complied with the vehicle exhaust emission and noise emission standards and pay the appropriate fee for vehicle examination.

** If you are eligible for the exemption from compliance with the vehicle emission standard as stated in Step 1 above, you should bring along with the approval letter of exemption issued by the Environmental Protection Department for making the appointment of vehicle examination at the Examination Centre.

** All imported vehicles equipped with internal combustion engine, including new cars imported for personal use, should undergo emission test during vehicle examination if necessary.
** Your car will be issued with a Certificate of Roadworthiness by the Examination Centre if it can pass the vehicle examination.

Step 4 : Vehicle Registration and Licensing
** When applying for first registration of your vehicle, you should submit a completed application form (Form No. TD22 ) to the Hong Kong Licensing Office of Transport Department (Tel No. (852) 2804 2637 or Fax No. 2804 2599) together with the supporting documents as prescribed in the application form.

** Upon the verification of your submitted document, you are required to pay first registration tax and registration fee for the registration of your vehicle, and pay vehicle licence fee and levy for Traffic Accident Victim Assistance Fund for licensing of the vehicle.

Step 5 : Calculation of First Registration Tax
** The first registration tax will be derived from the taxable value of your vehicle times the appropriate tax rate.

The rate is as shown below :

Class of Motor Vehicle Rate of Tax
I. Private cars
(a)   on the first $150,000
(b)   on the next $150,000
(c)   on the next $200,000
(d)   on the remainder
II. Motor cycles and motor tricycles
III. (a)  Goods vehicles, other than van-type light goods vehicles (LGV)
(b)  Van-type LGV not exceeding 1.9 tonnes permitted gross vehicle weight:
(i) on the first $150,000
(ii) on the next $150,000
(iii) on the remainder
(c)  Van-type LGV exceeding 1.9 tonnes permitted gross vehicle weight
IV. Taxis, Light buses, Buses and Special purpose vehicles
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