edb.gov.hk Native Speaking English Teacher Scheme Hong Kong: Education Bureau

Name of the Organization : Education Bureau
Type of Facility : Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) Scheme
Country : Hong Kong

Website : http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/curriculum-development/resource-support/net/index.html
Application Form : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/25988-NETform.pdf

Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) Scheme :

** To enhance the teaching of English Language and increase exposure of students to English, a Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) Scheme has been implemented in public-sector secondary and primary schools since the 1998/99 and 2002/03 school year respectively.

Related : EDB Education Bureau Teacher Registration Hong Kong : www.statusin.org/3607.html

Recruitment :
** The Education Bureau conducts NET recruitment exercise annually to recruit qualified candidates for the selection and appointment by public-sector schools.

For application for the NET positions, please click the following :
Details on the Recruitment of NETs under the NET Scheme in Primary Schools
Details on the Recruitment of NETs under the Enhanced NET Scheme in Secondary Schools

NET Appointment Matters :
** EDB Circular Memorandum / Forms / Information on Appointment and Re-appointment, Letter of Appointment, Employment Visa, Recruitment Subsidy, Teacher Registration and other related matters

Remuneration Package :
** EDB Circular / Application Forms / Information on Salary Matters, Fringe Benefits, Retention Incentive and Payment of Contract Gratuity

Recruitment of Native-speaking English Teachers (NETs)for Primary Schools :
Salary Range : HK$26,700 to 54,230 per month
** The Education Bureau cordially invites you to apply for the Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) positions.
Role :
** NETs are required to teach English as a second language to Hong Kong students and assist in teacher and curriculum development in public-sector primary schools (for students aged between 6 and 12) and schools for students with special educational needs.

Related Post

Qualifications For Appointment :
** The applicant should be a native-speaker of English or possess native-speaker English competence
** Preference will be given to applicants with experience in teaching English as a second/foreign language.
** For appointment in special schools, preference will be given to applicants who have special education training and/or experience in teaching students with special educational needs.

Appointment of NETs should be considered according to the following order of priority : **
Category 1 : (to be appointed at Assistant Primary School Master/Mistress (APSM) rank, MPS pt. 15-29)
(i)a bachelor’s degree in English (i.e. majoring in English Language or English Literature or English Studies or Linguistics# or a Modern Language#) from a Hong Kong university or equivalent;
(ii)a recognized teacher training qualification in primary education; and
(iii)a Teaching of English as a Foreign Language or a Second Language (TEFL/TESL) qualification at least at certificate level, or an equivalent course of study recognised by EDB*.

Category 2 : (to be appointed at APSM rank, MPS pt. 15-29)
(i)a bachelor’s degree in any subject from a Hong Kong university or equivalent;
(ii)a recognised teacher training qualification in primary education; and
(iii)a TEFL/TESL qualification at least at certificate level, or an equivalent course of study recognised by EDB*.

Category 3 : (to be appointed at APSM rank, MPS pt. 15-29)
(i)a bachelor’s degree in any subject from a Hong Kong university or equivalent;
(ii)a recognised teacher training qualification; and
(iii)a TEFL/TESL qualification at least at certificate level, or an equivalent course of study recognised by EDB*.

Category 4 : (to be appointed at APSM rank, MPS pt. 15-29, with salary bar at MPS Point 20)
(i)a bachelor’s degree in any subject from a Hong Kong university or equivalent; and
(ii)a TEFL/TESL qualification at least at certificate level, or an equivalent course of study recognised by EDB*.

Category 5 : (to be appointed at Certificated Master/Mistress (CM) rank, MPS pt. 14-24)
(i)a recognised teacher’s certificate obtained after at least 2 years’ full-time study or equivalent; and
(ii)a TEFL/TESL qualification at least at certificate level, or an equivalent course of study recognised by EDB*.

Notes :
** Native speakers of English are people who acquire the language in infancy and develop the language through adolescence and adulthood within a community where English is spoken as the first language. Native-speaker English competence refers to the ability to use English fluently and spontaneously, to give grammatically accurate responses in communication and to write or speak creatively.

** Non-native speakers of English, i.e. people who have not acquired the language in early childhood, are also suitable for employment as NETs if their English competence is not different from that of native-speakers in terms of fluency, accuracy and creativity in language use.

** A degree in Linguistics or Modern Languages should be one in which English is the major language studied.
** For example, a Post-graduate Diploma in Education majoring in English.

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