Applying for a Work Permit : Trinidad and Tobago

Name of the Organization : Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Type of Facility : Applying for a Work Permit
Country : Trinidad and Tobago

Website : ttconnect [dot] gov [dot] tt

Applying for a Work Permit :

** A foreign national wishing to work in Trinidad and Tobago must apply for a work permit through the Ministry of National Security.

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** Each work permit is issued to a particular person for a specified period of time and for attachment to a particular company or institution, as described in the permit.
** Work permits are only issued to those who possess skills or expertise not available in Trinidad and Tobago.

When do I need to apply for a work permit?
You must apply for a work permit if you want to work in Trinidad and Tobago and you :
** Are not a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago.

** Are not a holder of a Certificate of Recognition of Caribbean Community Skills Qualification and certified to work within the Caribbean Community region under the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME).

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** Want to enter the country for the purpose of work or work-related activities for a period of more than 30 days.
** You may enter the country for 30 days or less for work or work-related activities without a work permit once during any consecutive 12-month period.

Work Permit Secretariat
Ministry of National Security
Temple Court II
52-60 Abercromby Street
Port of Spain
Trinidad, West Indies
Tel. (868) 623-2154/44 exts. 2250 or 2251
Opening hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays

Where can I obtain an application form?
Please note that there are two types of application forms :
** A single application form must be used if you are requesting an individual work permit or work permits for fewer than 10 persons.
** A group application form must be used if you are requesting work permits for 10 or more persons.
** You can download the appropriate application form by follwing the link below.
** You may also purchase the specific application form you need from the Trinidad and Tobago Government Printery for TT$1.15.

Government Printery Sales Department
2-4 Victoria Avenue
Port of Spain
Trinidad, West Indies
Tel. (868) 623-2410
Opening hours: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays
Work Permit Application Forms

Using the Online Work Permit Application forms :
The following method should be used when submitting an application online :
1. The Work Permit Application form can be accessed copying the following link in your browser or by clicking here.
2. The applicant needs to fill the application form and click on the submit button to submit the application.

3. The system would automatically generate a confirmation code.
4. The applicant has the option of emailing the confirmation code by supplying an email address or printing the confirmation code.

5. The Applicant must also visit the Ministry of National Security to provide any supporting documentation. Please note that the confirmation code would be used to reference the application made and as such the applicant would be required to present the confirmation code when visiting the Ministry of National Security. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map