police.qld.gov.au Apply for Police Certificate Australia : Queensland Government

Name of the Organization : Queensland Government
Type of Facility : Apply for Police Certificate
Country : Australia

Website : https://www.police.qld.gov.au/corporatedocs/purchase/Police-Certificate-(Australia-Wide-Criminal-History).htm
Police Certificate Name Only : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/26057-Nameonly.pdf
Police Certificate and ASIO Security Assessment : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/26057-ASIO.pdf
Police Certificate Name with Fingerprint Search : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/26057withFingerprint.pdf

Apply for Police Certificate  :

Police Certificate : (Australia-Wide Criminal History)
** An application for a Police Certificate must be made by the individual concerned.
** Applicants must be resident in Queensland. Persons residing elsewhere in Australia should apply at their local police station.

Related : Smart Service Queensland Taxi Subsidy Scheme : www.statusin.org/24985.html 

** A Police Certificate contains a certification that the person to whom it relates either has no ‘disclosable’ convictions or has a ‘disclosable’ conviction that is detailed in the Certificate.
** A ‘disclosable’ conviction is one that is recorded by the court and has not been rehabilitated or spent under the Criminal Law (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986 (Qld)

** And, in the case of Commonwealth convictions, the Crimes Act 1914 (Commonwealth), and does not breach the confidentiality provisions of the Youth Justice Act 1992 (Qld).
** Persons who seek a Police Certificate must make application at any police station in Queensland.

** Applicants can complete the application form associated with the type of Police Certificate being sought prior to lodging it at a police station. Applicants will require sufficient identification such as a current driver licence, passport or other photographic identity document. Payment by cash, bank cheque, personal cheque or money order made out to the Commissioner for Police, is required at lodgment.

There are three types of Police Certificates :
1. A ‘Name Only’ Police Certificate :
** based on a search of the person’s name against the criminal history records held by police services Australia-wide.
** This is most often sought for employment purposes. Other reasons for seeking this Police Certificate include providing insurance companies with an official document relating to past offending,
** and for a visa to work or reside in another country (this is limited to only a few countries as most require a fingerprint search as well as a name search).
** Application for a Police Certificate Name Only

2. A ‘Name with Fingerprints’ Police Certificate :
** based on a search of the person’s name and fingerprints against the criminal history and fingerprint records held by the police services Australia-wide.
** This is most often sought by persons applying for a visa to work or reside in another country, or for adoption purposes.
** Application for a Police Certificate Name with Fingerprint Search?

3. A ‘Name Only’ with ASIO Security Assessment :
** Ammonium Nitrate Police Certificate – based on a search of the person’s name against the criminal history records held by the police services Australia-wide, and an ASIO security assessment relating to politically motivated violence.
** This Certificate is sought by persons employed or seeking employment with companies and other employers who are licensed to access security sensitive Ammonium Nitrate e.g. mining companies.
** Application for a Police Certificate and ASIO Security Assessment?
** Persons who are Australian residents but living or travelling outside of Australia and seeking a national Police Certificate should apply to the Australian Federal Police.
** Information on applying can be obtained at afp.gov.au

Current Fees :
** Police Certificate based on an Australia-wide check of name only
** QPS Schedule of Fees and Charges
** Police Certificate based on an Australia-wide check of name and fingerprints:
** QPS Schedule of Fees and Charges?
** Police Certificate based on an Australia-wide check of name with ASIO security assessment – Ammonium Nitrate:
** Contact local police for current fee.

For enquiries :
e-mail a query to:
Team Leader – Certificates [pic.certificates@police.qld.gov.au]
Or telephone;
07 3364 6262? (if calling from within Australia)
+61 7 3364 6705 (if calling from overseas)

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