pifra.gov.pk : Salary Slip Email Registration For Government Employees Pakistan

Organization : Project to Improve Financial Reporting and Auditing (PIFRA)
Service Name : PIFRA Salary Slip Email Registration For Government Employees
Country : Pakistan
Salary Slip : https://m.pifra.gov.pk/salaryslip_emp#
Steps : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/26218-Settings.gif

How To Do PIFRA Salary Slip Email Registration?

If you have issue in finding your Salary Slip sent via Email, then please follow the above (GIF File) 9 simple steps to locate your Salary Slip inside Gmail Inbox.

Related / Similar Service :
PIFRA Vendor Creation Procedure Pakistan

FABS Online Salary Slip

F = Federal, N = KP Govt , S = Sindh, B = Balochistan, P = Punjab , DGP = District Govt Pubjab, K = Kashmir , GB = Gilgit-Baltistan, GBC = GB Council , C = Kashmir Council.

For unsubscribe email on unsubscribe@pifra.gov.pk. (kindly mention personnel no and wrong email address

Having Issues with your Online Salary Slip?
** If You have already REGISTERED for online salary slip but STILL do not see your salary slip in your inbox then please watch this video and follow the specified guidelines.

For More Help :
Email Address : unsubscribe AT pifra.gov.pk
Call: (051) 9107248
Time : Mon – Fri | 8:30 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
Note : Please do NOT call before the 10th day of the month

PIFRA Application

Accounting entities

An accounting entity is any unit of the Government e.g. ministry, division and department, whose principal source of funding is an appropriation from the Government of Pakistan, and which is not an exempt entity (as listed in Schedule 2 of the MAP).

** There are two types of accounting entity, namely centralised accounting entities and self accounting entities.

Centralised accounting entities

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A centralised accounting entity is any accounting entity for whom the Accountant-General has primary responsibility for the transaction processing, recording and reporting functions of that entity. At no stage does this arrangement absolve the Principal Accounting Officer of his/her responsibilities for financial management, in accordance with Paragraph 8.1 of the MAP.

Self-accounting entities

A self-accounting entity is any accounting entity for whom the Principal Accounting Officer has primary responsibility for the accounting and reporting functions. A list of self-accounting entities is contained in Schedule 1 of the MAP .

Exempt entities:

An exempt entity is any entity listed in Schedule 2 of the MAP (current at the date of issue of this Manual). These include independent entities and commercial undertakings and entities established under a state resolution or a notification of the Government or under Companies Ordinance, but placed administratively under a Ministry or Division for the purpose of accountability.

About FABS:

** The SAP-ERP based system is being run at more than 500 sites across the country at federal, provincial and district level. They include self-accounting entities like Pak PWD, Pakistan Mint, Geological Survey of Pakistan and Directorate of Postal Accounts.

** The District Accounts Offices(DAOs) and other district level offices, and provincial line departments are linked through Wide Area Network(WAN) to servers at Accountant General office and the Finance Department of the respective province.

Contact Address

FABS Directorate
Second Floor
AGPR G-8/4
Islamabad Pakistan
Phone : 2 51-9107241
Email : : fabs AT cga.gov.pk
Fax : 92 51-9107250

FAQ On PIFRA Pakistan Salary Slip

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about PIFRA Pakistan Salary Slip:

What is PIFRA Pakistan Salary Slip?
PIFRA Pakistan Salary Slip is a document that shows the salary details of a government employee in Pakistan. The slip is issued by the Project to Improve Financial Reporting and Auditing (PIFRA), which is a government agency responsible for improving the financial reporting and auditing of government departments.

How can I get my PIFRA Pakistan Salary Slip?
You can get your PIFRA Pakistan Salary Slip online by registering for the PIFRA Salary Slip service. To register, you will need to provide your CNIC number, date of birth, and email address. Once you have registered, you will be able to download your salary slip for the current month and for previous months.

How often is PIFRA Pakistan Salary Slip issued?
PIFRA Pakistan Salary Slip is issued once a month, usually on the first working day of the month.

What if I do not receive my PIFRA Pakistan Salary Slip?
If you do not receive your PIFRA Pakistan Salary Slip, you can contact the PIFRA helpdesk by phone or email. The contact information for the PIFRA helpdesk can be found on the PIFRA website.

Categories: Pakistan
Tags: pifra.gov.pk

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