Application For Tax Account Number TAN : Mauritius Revenue Authority

Organisation : Mauritius Revenue Authority
Type of Facility : Application For Tax Account Number (TAN)
Country : Mauritius

Application Form :
Website :

Application For Tax Account Number :

** User ID for taxpayer is Tax Account Number (TAN).
** Passwords are case sensitive.
** Field marked with * are mandatory.

Related : Mauritius Revenue Authority Taxpayer Portal View Tax Filing & Status of Refund :

Instructions :
** In case you have forgotten your password, please enter your User ID and then click on Forgot Password.
** To change your password, log in using your TAN and Password and go to menu Taxpayer Profile and choose menu Change Password.

** To retry payment via Credit Card or Mobile phones, log in using your TAN and Password and go to menu e-Payments.
** When using password your income tax form will be pre-filled with your information actually available at the MRA.

** The taxpayer has the right and duty to add, modify or delete any or all figures.
** Pre-filled return is a service provided by MRA only to facilitate the taxpayer.
** The responsibility to make a correct and complete return remains on the taxpayer as per law.

** Please note that for security reasons this system has been implemented with a timed session expiry. If you do not use the system for a prolonged period of time, you will receive a “Session Expired” notice and you will be prompted to log out.

** This time period has been set for 30 minutes. If you expect to be away from your desk, please ensure that you save your current work. You should, however, once you have logged in, not leave this system unattended.

Mode Of Payment :
The payment can be effected as follows :
Direct Debit :
** To make use of this payment facility, you should fill in a “Direct Debit Application Form” available here or contact the MRA Service Counter and send it to MRA Head Office by 30th September 2016 at latest (office hours) for onward processing to your bank.

Related Post

** Taxpayers, who have already availed themselves of this payment facility, need not fill in a new “Direct Debit Application Form”.

Internet Banking :
** Payment can be effected through Internet Banking via the following banks: ABC Banking Corporation, Afrasia Bank, Bank One, Barclays Bank, HSBC, MCB, MPCB, SBI , SBM and Maubank.

Note: For internet banking facility you should register with your bank.

Credit Card :
** Online Payment of tax by credit card is available where the tax payable does not exceed Rs 25,000.
** We accept MasterCard / Visa for the payment of Individual Income Tax.

Cash/Cheque/Card :
** Payment may be made by cash or cheque at MRA cash counters, Ehram Court, Port Louis, from Monday to Friday (09.00 hrs to 15.30 hrs). Please produce a copy of the acknowledgement receipt received on submission of the return or provide the following Name, Tax Account Number (TAN), Assessment Year and Amount, while effecting payment.

** Cheques drawn to the order of the Director General MRA crossed “MRA A/C” or “Account Payee Only” may be sent by post. Please write your name, Tax Account Number (TAN) and the Assessment year on verso of cheque. The cheque should reach the MRA Headquarters, Ehram Court, Port Louis by 30th September 2016 at latest.

** Please ensure that your cheque is properly drawn with the correct date and the payee name, verify that the amount in words and figures correspond, make sure that the cheque is duly signed by the authorized signatories and any overwriting should bear the full signature of authorized signatory/signatories.

** In case cheque is returned due to non-compliance to the above, penalty and interest will apply as per regulations in force.

Address :
Taxpayer Services
Mauritius Revenue Authority
Ehram Court
Cnr Sir Virgil Naz & Mgr Gonin Streets
Port Louis
Hotline : (+230) 207 6010

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