jdfmil.org Join the JDF : Jamaica Defence Force

Organisation : Jamaica Defence Force
Type of Facility : Join the JDF
Country : Jamaica
Website : https://www.jdfweb.com/join/wp/

How To Join in the JDF?

Please read the following Agreement. You must accept the terms of this agreement before continuing to the application form.

Related / Similar Service : JDF Online Application

1. The contents of this form is the property of the JDF and is subject to modification without advance notice.
2. The JDF is not obligated to accept any application and reserves the right to process applications based on the specific needs of the Force.

3. Acceptance to the JDF is subject to successfully meeting internal requirements and/or the occurrence of a recruiting drive.

4. The JDF is not obligated to accept applicants who were eligible at the time of applying but due to delays in the timings for recruiting, have become ineligible based on surpassing the age limit.

5. Your application will be processed in the order that it was received. Where excessive waiting periods are encountered, the JDF regrets such delays but does not accept liability for any inconveniences caused.

6. Applicants are encouraged to utilize the online application status checking facility.
7. By selecting agree you are indemnifying the JDF of all liabilities resulting from any action during the recruiting application process.

How to Fill?

Step 1 : Select the Type of service – Regular or Reserve
Step 2 : Enter your First Name* [John]
Step 3 : Enter Your Middle Initial [S]
Step 4 : Enter Your Last Name* [Marto]

Step 5 : Select your Gender *- Male/Female
Step 6 : Enter Your Date of Birth* [09/09/1996]
Step 7 : Enter Your TRN [4545132]
Step 8 : Click Next button

JDF Tasks

Internal Security :
The JDF is required to have the capability to detect, identify and combat insurgencies and/or internal security threats in support of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).

The JDF currently supports the JCF on a continuous basis with its Regular and Reserve Infantry battalions. The Force also uses its armoured vehicles as well as its patrol vehicles, communications systems and surveillance helicopters for law enforcement assistance to the JCF.

Disaster Relief :
Though the main responsibility rests with the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM), the JDF maintains the capability to mount post disaster relief (logistics management and rescue), recovery and reconstruction operations.

The task of disaster management is done with infantry and air assets, along with engineering equipment and logistics trained personnel. The JDF also works along with other Government of Jamaica Ministries, Departments and Agencies in post disaster relief, recovery and reconstruction.

Counter Terrorism :
The JDF maintains a capability to respond to terrorist threats including hijackings, improvised explosive and explosive ordnance devices (EOD/IEDD), and attacks on key installations.

The resources for this capability include specially trained troops, suitably equipped EOD/IEDD teams, as well as the infantry and intelligence forces used for the aforementioned Internal Security task.

Search and Rescue :
The JDF maintains the capability to search for, locate and rescue persons, aircraft and vessels in distress within Jamaica’s SAR Region. In order to carry out this task, the JDF currently uses its medium lift helicopters, inshore and offshore patrol vessels to effect rescue missions at sea.

For land rescue missions, specifically trained and equipped infantry units enable this task to be conducted effectively.

Peace Support :
This task involves the JDF rendering external humanitarian assistance and participating in peacekeeping and conflict prevention operations regionally and internationally. The JDF maintains the flexibility to package its forces with the requisite equipment for deployment on a wide range of missions.

Jamaica also has the capability to assist our regional partners in the event of such contingencies, much as we would expect them to help us under similar circumstances.


General Queries :
Headquarters Jamaica Defence Force
Up Park Camp
Kingston 5
Telephone – 926-8121-9

Other contact numbers for units are listed in the blue pages of the telephone directory.

Categories: Jamaica
Tags: jdfmil.org

View Comments (4)

  • I am 18 years of age. With five csecs subject including maths and English, I'm really interested in joining the force, I'm also 5'9, no tattoos.

    My question is how do I go about signing up for the Jamaica defense force?


    • Applicants are encouraged to utilize the online application status checking facility.
      For any queries regarding the application form you can contact :
      Jamaica Defence Force
      General Queries :
      Headquarters Jamaica Defence Force
      Up Park Camp
      Kingston 5
      Telephone - 926-8121-9
      Other contact numbers for units are listed in the blue pages of the telephone directory.
      Information as provided in the official website of Jamaica Defence Force

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