ePAY Electronic Payment System South Carolina : Department of Revenue

Organization : Department of Revenue
Service Name : DOR ePAY Electronic Payment System
City/State/Province : South Carolina
Country: United States of America

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Electronic Payment System:

Welcome to The South Carolina Department of Revenue’s Electronic Payment System (DOR-ePAY). The DOR-ePAY system is designed to give taxpayers a fast, free, and secure electronic way to submit tax payments.

Realated : DOR SC ndividual Income Tax Filing South Carolina :

The Department Of Revenue’s Electronic System allows you to make payments for selected taxes without having to leave your home or office. DOR-ePAY requires 128-bit browser encryption. Please also note that in order to safeguard your personal information whenever you access DOR-ePAY from a computer that’s not your own, make sure you exit or quit the browser after you are finished.

This prevents anyone else from seeing your personal information. Will the funds for this payment come from an account outside the United States? If yes, the South Carolina Department of Revenue cannot process the payment at this time. Payment can still be submitted by credit card.

1.Why can I not select the date when my payment will be withdrawn from my account?:
If you are entering Withholding information or Individual Declaration of Estimated Tax information, you will be allowed to enter the date for withdrawal. However, the date must meet the requirements for a timely-filed return based on the period covered. If multiple payments are grouped together, the date must be valid for all payments in the group.

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2.Your site says that my payment will be processed within 2 business days Do I need to make my payment several days before the due date so that it is not late? :
For electronic purposes you must submit your payment authorization to the South Carolina Department of Revenue no later than midnight (ET) on the due date.

3.How can I look at previously entered payments? :
Selecting View Payments will take you to a screen showing all of your previous payments. You can then select a specific payment by clicking on the confirmation number of the payment you wish to view. You will then be shown a detailed display of the payment with a link for a printable form. To ensure the security of your data, you will still be required to log in with your User Name and Password.

4.How do I know which payment option I should choose? :
Epay offers the ability to pay tax forms for Corporate, Individual, Delinquent/Receivable, and Use Tax. Special attention should be given to the category/form number to be sure that the correct payment option is chosen. If you are not sure, click on the question mark located next to the payment type for more detailed information. The form number can be found in the top right hand corner of the notice/document.

5.There are two options under Delinquent/Receivable, which one should I choose? :
For a delinquent payment, you should only choose the Approved Pay Plan option if you have received approved pay plan coupons. These provide the needed information to have your payment correctly identified and applied properly if paying online or mailing in a payment. Otherwise, delinquent payments can be made using the Delinquent Tax Bill option.

6.What is the 10 Digit number the system asks for when making a delinquent payment? :
This number can be found in the top right hand corner of your notice. It is a 10 digit number separated by dashes between the 1st and last #. Depending on your notice, this may be referenced as a receivable number, bill number, or tax lien number.

7.On the Authorization screen, when should I click on the box next to the payment shown? :
The box next to the payment shown should only be clicked if you would like to remove the payment. To do so, click the box and then the Remove button. To add a payment at this time, click on the add button which will take you back to the list of payment options to begin your next payment. If you are satisfied with the payments shown, proceed by completing the preparer information fields. Then click next.

If you have additional questions, contact Electronic Services at (803)896-1715.

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