: Individual Income Tax E-filing

Organization : Nebraska Department of Revenue
Service Name : Individual Income Tax E-filing
City/State/Province : Nebraska
Country: United States of America (USA)

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Individual Income Tax E-filing :

File your Nebraska Individual Income Tax Return for FREE.

Related : Iowa Tax Refund Status :

The NebFile system allows Nebraska resident taxpayers to file their state income tax returns FREE over the Internet. Eligibility requirements and capabilities are listed below and on the NebFile system help screens. NebFile is not tax preparation software, but it will do simple calculations and table look-ups for you. The NebFile system allows you to file a Form 1040N and Schedule I, with some limitations.

Nebraska Driver’s License or State ID for e-filing :
This filing season, the Nebraska Department of Revenue, along with many other state revenue agencies, is requesting additional information for electronically filed individual income tax returns. This is an effort to combat stolen-identity tax fraud, and to protect you and your tax refund.

We ask that you provide the requested Nebraska driver’s license or state-issued ID card information when completing your tax return. Providing this information is voluntary. We will not reject your return if you do not provide the requested driver’s license or state-issued ID information. However, providing this information may help us process your tax return more quickly.

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What is NebFile?:
NebFile is a method for you to electronically file your Nebraska Individual Income Tax Return over the Internet, and is FREE to use. It is limited to full-year Nebraska residents and has other eligibility requirements (see the next question).

I did not file a Nebraska tax return last year. Can I still use NebFile?:
Yes. For security purposes, beginning with tax year 2015, the NebFile program will require a state-assigned password. The taxpayer’s state-assigned password is emailed after completion of an online registration within the NebFile system. The password should be emailed within five minutes of completion of the registration.

To access the registration form, go to the Department’s website and under the heading Online Services, For Indivduals, click on the “File Your Return” button. Then, select “NebFile for Individuals,” and the “Click Here to Begin” button. Finally, click on the “Complete the Registration” link.

I didn’t receive a postcard. How do I get a NebFile password?:
NebFile postcards are no longer issued by the Department. For security purposes, beginning with tax year 2015, the NebFile program will require a state-assigned password. The taxpayer’s state-assigned password is emailed after completion of an online registration within the NebFile system. The password should be emailed within five minutes of completion of the registration.

To access the registration form, go to the Department’s website and under the heading Online Services, For Indivduals, click on the “File Your Return” button. Then, select “NebFile for Individuals,” and the “Click Here to Begin” button. Finally, click on the “Complete the Registration” link.

The NebFile system locked me out. How do I regain access?:
If you answer all eligibility questions correctly and the system locks you out, then you are not eligible to use NebFile. If you have made a mistake in answering those questions and believe you are eligible to use NebFile, contact the Department at 800-742-7474 or 402-471-5729, and ask to have your account reset.

What must I do to get ready to use NebFile?:
Before using the NebFile system:
** Verify that you are eligible to use NebFile;
** Complete the online registration to receive your password via email;
** Make sure you have ALL of your Forms W-2 and 1099 showing Nebraska withholding; and
** Have a copy of your current year completed federal tax return to look at when entering federal data into NebFile © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map