Obtain A Duplicate Marriage Certificate Sri Lanka : Government Information Centre

Organisation : Government Information Centre (
Announcement : Obtain Copy of the Marriage Certificate
Country : Sri Lanka

Website :

Copy of the Marriage Certificate :

** Refer the application to the Divisional Secretariat of the area where the registration took place.
** Application can obtain from any Divisional Secretariat.

Related : Government Information Centre Marriage Registration Sri Lanka :

** Fees chargeable
i. Where the date of registration or the no. of the entry is given the fee for one copy of the certificate is Rs.100.00
ii. Where the date of registration or the no. of the entry is not given and a search of registers not exceeding two years is involved fee for one copy of the certificate is Rs.200.00

** Required fee should submit to the Divisional Secretariat.
** Duly filled application should be submit to the Divisional Secretariat.

** If you like to obtain the certificate of marriage by post, submit a stamped envelop with the application.
** If the marriage is registered, a certificate of marriage will be send and if the marriage is not registered a letter to the effect will be send.

Registration of Marriages : (General)
1. Everyone other than where both parties are Muslims, can register their marriage under Marriage(general) Registration Ordinance.

2. Marriage notice should be written and attested in duplicate and handed over to the Registrar of marriages of the division

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3. Persons authorized to attest marriage notice;
i. Registrar of marriages of the division
ii. Justice of peace
iii. Notary public
iv. A Minister

4. Requirements for submitting a marriage notice:
i. Requirement of residence of the parties in the relevant division.
a. Residence of parties in the relevant division within 10 days preceding submission of the marriage notice.
b. Residence of parties in different divisions within 10 days preceding submission of the marriage notice.

c. If one party was not living in Sri Lanka within 10 days preceding submission of the marriage notice, residence of the other party in Sri Lanka for such 10 days.
d. If none of the parties had not been living in Sri Lanka within 10 days preceding submission of the marriage notice, residence of one party for 04 days in Sri Lanka.

e. Completion of age of 18 yrs. by both parties as at their previous birth day.
f. The parties should not have any kind of relationship prohibited in law.
g. No party should have entered into any legal marriage which is valid at the time.

ii. 14 days should be lapsed since submission of marriage notice for registration of a marriage(general). Possibility prevails to register general marriage before lapse of such 14 days.

iii. Request may be made in order to register a marriage outside the office.

iv. Fees chargeable by the Registrar for registration of a marriage is as follows.

No. Duty Payable to Whom Payable by Whom Amount Payment Type
1 Entering a notice of marriage at Registrar’s office or at any other place Registrar Applicant 100.00 Cash
2 Entering a notice of marriage at Additional District Registrar’s Office or District Registrar’s office or at any other place Additional District Registrar or District Registrar Applicant 100.00 Cash
3 Issuing Registrar’s certificate on a notice of marriage Registrar Parties to marriage 100.00 Cash
4 Issuing Registrar’s certificate on a notice of marriage Additional District Registrar or District Registrar Parties to marriage 100.00 Cash
5 Solemnizing marriage in Registrar’s office Registrar Parties to marriage 750.00 Cash
6 Solemnizing marriage in Additional District Registrar’s or District Registrar’s office Additional District Registrar or District Registrar Parties to marriage 750.00 Cash
7 Solemnizing marriage outside the Registrar’s office under section 38(1) or 38(2) Registrar Parties to marriage 750.00 Cash
8 Solemnizing marriage outside the Registrar’s office under section 38(1) or 38(2) Additional District Registrar or District Registrar Government 750.00 Cash
9 Obtaining a special license under section 27(3) Government Parties to marriage 100.00 Cash
10 Registration of marriage solemnized in registered place of public worship District Registrar Parties to marriage 750.00 Cash

Contact Us :
Department of Registrar General’s No : 234 /A3,
Denzil Kobbakaduwa Mw,
Sri Lanka.

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