Registration of a Past Birth Sri Lanka : Government Information Centre

Organisation : Government Information Centre (
Announcement : Registration of a Past Birth
Country : Sri Lanka

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Registration of a Past Birth :

1. If a birth has not been registered with 03 months since its occurrence it may be registered.
2. Declaration should be produced to the Additional District Registrar of the Divisional Secretariat where birth occurred.

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3. Persons eligible for this
i. Any party having interest of
ii. One of the parents
4. Fee chargeable is Rs. 50.00

5. Only the following documents should be submitted with the declarations produced within one year since the occurrences of the birth.
i. Marriage certificate of parents if they are married
ii.One of following documents in proof of the date and place of birth of the subject.

** Hospital birth report or certified copy
** Grama Niladhari birth report or certified copy
** Estate birth report or certified copy
** Public Health Officer’s certificate

6. Following documents should be produced with the declaration produced after one year since occurrence of the birth.
i. Marriage certificate of parents if they are married
ii. Nil result sheet
iii. One of the following documents indicating date and place of birth of the person

** Hospital report of certified copy
** Grama Niladhari report or certified copy
** Estate birth report or certified copy
** Copy of the Midwife’s birth register

iv. In case of non-possession of any of the above documents,
** Health development record
** Certificate of baptism

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** Certified copy of the school admission register / pupil’s record sheet
** Estate welfare officer’s report
** Horoscope of the record of time prepared on a proximate date to the day on which the birth occurred
v. If any of these documents are not available, declaration including details having knowledge of and an affidavit.

Translate Certificate of Birth :
1. Offices of the Department where service of sworn translators can be received are given below.
2. Translations which can be obtained,
i. Sinhala – English
ii. Tamil – English
iii. English – Sinhala
iv. English – Tamil

3. Time of receiving applications
** From 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

4. Applications may be obtained from the offices where sworn translators are available.
5. Documents to be submitted :
i. Duly completed application.
ii. Original or certified copy of birth certificate obtained from a Divisional Secretariat of the document to be translated.
iii. Stamped envelope if translations are to be received by post.

5. Fee for translations
** Rs. 500.00 for one copy payable to the Registrar General’s Department

Registration of a Birth Occurred in a Rural Hospital :
1. The birth is registered by the Registrar of births and deaths of the area where birth occurred. If the birth has occurred at a Rural Hospital, inform the Registrar of that area for registration of such birth.

2. Appropriate persons for informing of a birth for registration
i. Father
ii. Mother
iii. Person present at the time of occurrence of the birth
iv. Medical Officer of the hospital

3. Obtain the relevant declaration from the Registrar of births and deaths for informing the birth.
4. Documents to be submitted
i. Duly perfected declaration
ii. Hospital report issued in proof of the occurance of the birth

5. A birth can be registered free of charge within a period of 03 months.
6. A copy of the birth certificate is issued to the informant free of charge.
7. Visit the Additional District Registrar of the Divisional Secretariat at your nearest for further information

Organization Information
Department of Registrar General’s
No: 234 /A3,
Denzil Kobbakaduwa Mw,
Sri Lanka.
Mr. S.M.W.B. Sandiligama
Telephones : +94-11-2889488 / +94-11-2889489
Fax Nos : +94-11-2889491
Email : rg AT

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