Child Adoption Sri Lanka : Government Information Centre

Organisation : Government Information Centre (
Announcement : Adoption of a Child
Country : Sri Lanka

Website :

Adoption of a Child :

1. Age of the adoptee child should not be more than 14 years.

Related : Registration of a Past Birth Sri Lanka Government Information Centre :

2. Requirements to be met by the applicant
** He / She should be more than 25 years of age.
** The age gap between the applicant and the adoptee child should be at least 21 years.
** This will not apply if the child concerned is a descendant of the applicant / his brother or sister / any of their married partners.

3. Child’s consent is required if he / she is over 10 years old
4. Spouses (husband and wife) should produce an application
5. Order of adoption is issued by the District Court

6. This order should be registered at the Registrar General’s Department
7. Birth of the adoption child can be re-registered

8. Following documents should be submitted for re-registration of such birth
** Application for a re-registration of a birth
** Parents’ certificate of Marriage
** Parents’ certificates Births
** Certificate of the Adoption

9. The application for re-registration of a birth should be produced to the Zonal Office of the Registrar General’s Department to which the area where the child is born belongs to.

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Alteration of Information in a Birth Register :
1. In a Birth certificate,
i. Information in cage 01 (Date & place of birth)
ii. Information in cage 03 (Sex)
iii. Information in cage 05 (Information of mother – if mother’s name has been changed after the registration of the birth, it is not possible under this provision)
iv. Information in cage 09 (Informant’s information) may be altered

2. Produce the declaration to the Additional District Registrar of the Divisional Secretariat of the area where birth occurred.

3. The declaration should be produced by
i. Owner of the birth certificate
ii. Father or Mother
iii. Legal guardian
iv. A person who is dissatisfied with any of the information appearing in the birth register

5. Fee chargeable is Rs. 50.00
6. A certified copy of the birth register to be amended should be essentially attached to the declaration.

7. Following are some written evidences which may be produced to substantiate the request made in the declaration,
i. Parents’ marriage certificate
ii. List of children/ brothers and sisters

iii. Birth certificate of father/ mother
iv. Birth certificate of a child born after the registration of parents’ marriage
v. In case there is no child born after the registration of the marriage of parents, birth certificate of a elder or younger child of the subject

vi. Certified copies of records available in hospitals, maternity homes or midwife’s records
vii. Student’s record sheet, extract of the school admission register
viii. Copy of the electoral register where names of the subject and parents are included
ix. If father is deceased, his death certificate

Organization Information :
Department of Registrar General’s
No: 234 /A3,
Denzil Kobbakaduwa Mw,
Sri Lanka.
Mr. S.M.W.B. Sandiligama
Telephones : +94-11-2889488 / +94-11-2889489
Fax Nos : +94-11-2889491
Email : rg AT

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