Death Registration Procedure Sri Lanka : Government Information Centre

Organisation : Government Information Centre (
Announcement : Registration of Death
Country : Sri Lanka

Website :

Death Registration :

Death Occurred in a General Hospital :
1. Inform the Registrar of births and deaths at the General Hospital for registration of the death.

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2. Appropriate persons for informing of a death for registration,
** Person present at the time of occurrence of the death
** Person who is treat at the time of occurrence of the death
** Medical Officer of the Hospital

3. Obtain the relevant declaration from the Registrar of births and deaths at the General Hospital for informing the death.
4. Documents to be submitted
** Duly perfected declaration
** Hospital report issued in proof of the occurrence of the death

5. A death can be registered free of charge within a period of 03 months.
6. A copy of the certificate of death is issued to the informant free of charge.
7. Visit the Additional District Registrar of the Divisional Secretariat at your nearest for further information.

Death Occurred at Home :
1. Inform the Grama Niladari within 07 days of the death is occurred.
2. Grama Niladari shall send a report to the registrar of the area.
3. The death is registered by the registrar of births and deaths of the area where death has occurred. Declaration of death can be obtained from the registrar.

4. Persons required to give information,
i. Close relation present at the death.
ii. Close relation who look after at the death.

** If there is no relation as given above.,
iii. Relation who residing in the area of the registrar division where the death occurred.

** If there is no relation as given above.
iv. Person present at the death
v.Occupier where the death occurred.

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** If there is no person as given above.
vi.The person who cremate or buried the body.

5. Death may be register free of charge within a period of 03 months. Death can be registered after 03 months. Please see the delayed registration of deaths.
6. Certificate of death is issued to the informant free of charge.

Registration of a Past Death :
** If a death has not been registered with 03 months since its occurrence it may be registered.
** The death can only be registered only if a period of 25 yrs. has not been lapsed since occurrence of such death

** Persons eligible for this,
** Any party having interest of
** One of the parents
** Declaration can be produced by,

** Close relation present at the time of death or who took care of the deceased when he/she was ill for the last time
** Any other party interested
** Fee chargeable is Rs.50.00

Registration of a Death Occurred in a General Hospital :
1. Inform the Registrar of births and deaths at the General Hospital for registration of the death.
2. Appropriate persons for informing of a death for registration,
i. Person present at the time of occurrence of the death
ii. Person who is treat at the time of occurrence of the death
iii. Medical Officer of the Hospital

3. Obtain the relevant declaration from the Registrar of births and deaths at the General Hospital for informing the death.

4. Documents to be submitted
i. Duly perfected declaration
ii. Hospital report issued in proof of the occurance of the death

5. A death can be registered free of charge within a period of 03 months.
6. A copy of the certificate of death is issued to the informant free of charge.
7. Visit the Additional District Registrar of the Divisional Secretariat at your nearest for further information.

Organization Information :
Department of Registrar General’s
No: 234 /A3,
Denzil Kobbakaduwa Mw,
Sri Lanka.
Mr. S.M.W.B. Sandiligama
Telephones:+94-11-2889488 / +94-11-2889489
Fax Nos:+94-11-2889491
Email:rg AT

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