hec.gov.pk Tenure Track Statutes Pakistan : Higher Education Commission

Organisation : Higher Education Commission
Announcement : Tenure Track Statutes
Country : Pakistan

Website : http://hec.gov.pk/english/services/universities/tts/Pages/default.aspx

Tenure Track Statutes :

​​​​​The University’s policy on appointments (including subsequent reappointments) and on promotions follows herewith.

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It expresses the institutional philosophy in these matters and describes the qualifications for the various ranks in terms of four major areas of consideration, together with indications of the relative important of these areas and possible sources of information for evaluations.​

** Model Tenure Track Process Statutes​​
** ​Proforma and Guidelines for TTS Faculty Appointments​
** Clarifications & Decisions on Implementation of TTS
** Minutes of the Meeting Held to discuss Issue​s & Challenges in Adoption / Implementation of Tenure Track System​

Standard Operating Procedures :
i. The posts on TTS to be advertised by the respective university as per internal rules and availability of posts
ii. The selection process to carried out by the respective university as per internal rules of the university
iii. The TTS case recommended by the selection board are forwarded to the HEC by the registrar office of the respective university

iv. The TTS cases forwarded to HEC will be received by AD-QAD office and processed as per TTS policy
v. The eligibility criteria and process as per TTS rules will be checked and the cases fulfilling the criteria will be endorsed by the HEC through DG-QAD office

vi. A copy of the TTS case endorsement letter will be sent to registrar office of the university with copy to Advisor Finance office of the HEC to get financial release process initiated without any delay

vii. The registrar office will be informed about the deficiencies in the cases those are not endorsed by the QAD division

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viii. The registrar office is responsible for verification of the records provided to HEC for the purpose of endorsement of the letters and will provide on request if desired by HEC at any point of time as reflected in the endorsement letter

ix. The incomplete TTS cases will be referred back to registrar office of the respective university and may be re submitted after completing the documentary requirements

Note: Persons interested in the Tenure Track System (TTS) should apply directly to the concerned university with their Bio-data. Higher Education Commission has no direct involvement, except for providing funds to the universities.

Model Tenure Track Process Statutes :
1. Appointment and Promotions :
** The University’s policy on appointments (including subsequent reappointments) and on promotions follows herewith.

** It expresses the institutional philosophy in these matters and describes the qualifications for the various ranks in terms of four major areas of consideration, together with indications of the relative importance of these areas and possible sources of information for evaluations.

Bases for Appointment and Promotion :
For appointment, or for promotion to a higher rank, a candidate is evaluated in terms of effectiveness in four principal areas :
1. Teaching
2. Scholarship, research, or other creative work
3. Service
4. Personal characteristics

** Not all faculty members excel in each of these areas, but distinction or promise, especially in either of the first two, constitute the chief basis for appointment and promotion. Even though teaching may be more difficult to evaluate than scholarship, research, or creative work, it should not therefore be given a place of secondary consideration in an overall rating.

1.2.1 Teaching :
** Teaching is admittedly difficult to define precisely or to assess accurately. It is commonly considered to include a person’s knowledge of the major field of study, awareness of developments in it, skill in communicating to students and in arousing their interest, ability to stimulate them to think critically, to have them appreciate the interrelationship of fields of knowledge, and to be concerned with applications of knowledge to vital human problems.

1.2.2 Scholarship, Research, or Other Creative Work :
** A faculty member’s scholarship, research, and other creative work should make a contribution to the particular field of interest and serve as an indication of professional competence.

** The result of this kind of activity normally finds expression in publication or other media appropriate to the field, and where appropriate, should be reflected in teaching. In no case, however, should a person’s productive effort be measured by mere quantity.

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