nss.gov.gh Apply for Pincode & Get Your NSS Pincode : National Service Scheme

Organisation : National Service Scheme
Facility : Apply for Pincode & Get NSS Pincode
Country : Ghana

Homepage : http://nss.gov.gh/
Apply Here : https://nss.gov.gh/
NSS Pincode : https://nss.gov.gh/

Apply for Pincode & Get NSS Pincode  :

Apply Pincode :
You need to provide the following Academic Details to get your Pincode.
1. Type Of Application *
2. Surname *

Related / Similar Service : Track NSS Certificate Ghana

3. Other Names *
4. Institution Attended Institution Attended *
5. Index Number *
6. Year Of Completion *
i. Month
ii. Day
iii. Year
7. Course Of Study(Program) *
8. Type Of Qualification Type Of Qualification *
9. Reason(S) For Applying To Do National Service *
10. Upload Certificate/Full Transcript *

Get Your NSS Pincode :
Please Enter Your Index Number in the Search Box.

Can a person be posted to a private company to do National Service? ?
Typically, private companies write to NSS requesting for NSPs. Such letters are expected to reach the NSS national secretariat before the end of April in any year. NSP deployed on the basis of such requests are allowed to undertake their national service assignments in the private sector.

NSS does not encourage private companies to request for specific NSP, however, a general idea of qualification and background of personnel they need is necessary.

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Can I decide not to take up my posting even though I registered and was been duly deployed?
Any Ghanaian eligible for national service who is deployed but is not available or does not report at his/her service post without prior permission, within a period of three months after close of postings, and without proper authorization, is considered an committed an evasion for which the appropriate section of the NSS Act shall be evoked.

What happens if I left my duty post prior to completing my national service? ?
Any NSP that takes up posting but does not complete the full period, without proper authorization from the Board, is classified as a deserter and appropriate sanctions shall be applied against him/her.

Three months after desertion, the service person shall be declared an evader. Any national service rendered before desertion will be nullified and personnel on reporting back to the National Service Secretariat shall be made to start service afresh.

About Us :
Established in 1973, the National Service Scheme (NSS) is a Government of Ghana program under the Ministry of Education of Ghana with a National Secretariat in Accra, and offices in all administrative regions and districts across the country.

The scheme is mandated to deploy a pool of skilled manpower drawn primarily from tertiary institutions to support development efforts of both the public and private sectors in Ghana.

Although it is citizenry requirement for all Ghanaians who are eighteen years above, it is currently limited to, and mandatory for all Ghanaians graduating from tertiary educational institutions who are not less than eighteen years old.

The original intent of deploying freshly graduating youth under the NSS arrangement, is to ensure that priority sectors of our national life are never lacking in the requisite human resources needed for development.

Categories: Ghana
Tags: nss.gov.gh
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