hongkongpost.gov.hk e-Cert File Card Procedure

Organisation : Hong Kong Post e-Cert
Facility : e-Cert File Card Procedure
Country : Hong Kong

Website : http://www.hongkongpost.gov.hk/product/ecert/guide/FileCard/index.html
Terms & Conditions : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/26787-ecert-filecard.pdf

e-Cert File Card Procedure :

1. Download the e-Cert File Card Utility Program
2. Execute EFCUtilsSetup.exe, and click “Next” to proceed

Related : How to Get Bank-Cert Certificate Hongkong Post : www.statusin.org/26783.html

3. Select “I accept the agreement” and click “Next”
4. Browse and select the folder, and click “Next” to confirm
5. Click “Next” to create Program shortcut

6. Enable the box named “Create a desktop icon” (optional) and click “Next”
7. Click “Install” to continue

8. Enable the box named “Launch Change Password Program” (optional) and click “Finish” to complete the installation

Exporting e-Cert from e-Cert File Card :
1 Execute the e-Cert File Card Utility Program.
2 Click “Action” from the menu bar and choose “Select smart card reader”.
3 Insert your e-Cert File Card to the smart card reader and select your smart card reader.

4 Click “Export e-Cert”. (Alternatively, you may click “Action” from the menu bar and select “Export e-Cert”.)

5 Your e-Cert on e-Cert File Card is being loaded to a storage medium.
6 Specify the location where the e-Cert to be stored and click “Save” to confirm.

7 When finished, click “OK” to complete.
8 You can now use the e-Cert on the location where you specified in Step 6.

Changing e-Cert password on e-Cert File Card :
1. Click “Change e-Cert password”. (Alternatively, you may click “Action” from the menu bar and select “Change e-Cert password”.)

2. Input the old password and the new password, and then retype the new password. Click “OK” to confirm the new password.

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If you have not changed the e-Cert password before, the old password is supposed to be found inside the PIN envelope (16-digit PIN).

Attention For security reason, a password should be entered at least 8 characters long with combination of numbers and/or letters.
3. Press “OK” to complete.

L-1 What is an e-Cert File Card?
e-Cert File Card is a contact smart card which is a storage medium for Hongkong Post e-Cert. It has the same size as a credit card. As compared with the floppy diskette, e-Cert File Card is more durable and smaller in size.

L-2 What is the difference between e-Cert File Card and floppy diskette?
Both e-Cert File Card and floppy diskette are storage media of e-Cert. Floppy diskette requires floppy diskette drive to access the e-Cert while e-Cert File Card requires a compatible smart card reader.

e-Cert File Card has greater durability and smaller in size as compared to floppy diskette. For the e-Cert File Card, customer cannot write /update any files to it. However, floppy diskette allows customer to add more files to the diskette without any restriction.

L-3 What is the difference between e-Cert File Card and Smart ID Card?
e-Cert File Card is just a storage medium for Hongkong Post e-Cert. Customer can export their e-Cert on the e-Cert File Cards to other storage media. For security reason, customers are recommended to keep their e-Cert File Cards in a safe place after use.

For Smart ID Card, customer can directly use the embedded e-Cert to perform online transactions but the Private Key of the e-Cert on the Smart ID Card cannot be exported to other media.

L-4 What are the major benefits of an e-Cert File Card?
** Smart card is an advanced and reliable technology mostly used in the commercial sector such as credit card, security access control, Smart ID Card, etc.

The three major benefits of e-Cert File Card are :
** e-Cert File Card is less susceptible to data loss from environmental factor and human error.
** e-Cert File Card resembles a credit card in size and shape.
** e-Cert File Card is durable and has a longer life span.

L-5 Do I need to pay for the e-Cert File Card?
No. The e-Cert subscription fee has already included the cost of e-Cert File Card as a storage medium for e-Cert. Therefore, no additional charge is required for e-Cert File Card.

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