How to Assess Higher Education Institution Greece

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Facility : How to assess higher education institutions
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Assess Higher Education Institution :

The European Commission and the OECD have joined forces to support higher education institutions with the creation of the self-assessment tool HEInnovate.

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HEInnovate facilitates the assessment of an HEI in a systematic way, opening up discussion and debate on the entrepreneurial and innovative nature of higher education institutions.

It is free, confidential and open to anyone to use. HEInnovate can be used by all types of higher education institutions. Rather than defining a single way forward, it offers self-assessment, guidance and good practice materials to take action

How innovative is your higher education institution?
Being an entrepreneurial higher education institution depends upon individuals, and innovative ways of doing things.

There is no ‘unique’ approach, but a variety of ways in which HEIs behave entrepreneurially, for example, in how they manage resources and build organisational capacity, involve external stakeholders into their leadership and governance, create and nurture synergies between teaching, research and their societal engagement, as well as knowledge exchange.

This also includes recognising and building on what already exists.

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Now in its third year, HEInnovate has been used by 100s of institutions across Europe to assess their entrepreneurial and innovative potential.

Your Guide to IP in Horizon 2020
** Horizon 2020 is the new and, to date, the largest EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation with nearly €80 billion of funding available over the next 7 years (2014-2020). Being the financial instrument to implement the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative, Horizon 2020 aims to ensure Europe’s global competitiveness and to create smart and sustainable growth in the European Union.

** With the aim to better protect and reap commercial and economic benefits from EU-funded research and innovation initiatives, Horizon 2020 has established a set of rules concerning the exploitation and dissemination of project results, including their protection through intellectual property (IP).

How to relocate – A global guide to business relocation :
Are you considering relocating part or all of your operations to new territories?
** There are a number of cost and commercial reasons why a group may consider relocating, but it is also important to understand the consequences.

** The key to successful business relocation is early planning, clear commercial objectives and careful execution. This guide provides pragmatic advice for executives, including outlining the drivers of relocation, the types of activity commonly relocated and the commercial, cost and tax factors of popular relocation destinations.

** The highest profile cases involve full corporate migrations or inversions – the head office and holding company structure transferring to a new jurisdiction. However the options are numerous and the right answer may be much simpler, from setting up a regional hub to offshoring support services.

About Us :
** StartUp Greece is a digital information and networking space aimed at giving way to a new generation of entrepreneurs in Greece, bringing together people and ideas and changing the country’s perception of doing business and entrepreneurship.

** StartUp Greece combines an online entrepreneurship community with a knowledge and information database specialized in the field of doing business.

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