How to Apply For Food Factory Licence Hong Kong :

Organization : Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Facility : How to Apply For Food Factory Licence
Location : Hong Kong
Country : China

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Terms & Conditions :

Apply for Food Factory Licence :

Application should be made by submission of a standard application form (FEHB 94), a declaration on premises in compliance with Government lease conditions (FEHB 192), and 3 copies of a proposed layout plan of the premises (drawn to scale and in metric unit) to Assistant Secretary (Other Licences) of Licensing Office concerned (see Appendix I).

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The standard forms are obtainable from all Licensing Offices and District Environmental Hygiene Offices and can be downloaded from the website of Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.

The application should contain the following :
(a) the class of licence applied for;

(b) full address of the premises under application for a licence including name of the street, number of the premises, name of the building and the flat number etc to avoid postal misdelivery;

(c) the name, correspondence address and telephone number of the applicant; if the applicant is a corporation, the name and address of the corporation and the name and home address of the managing director and authorized person;

(d) the type of heating equipment and the type of fuel intended to be used; and
(e) whether air-conditioning system is to be installed in the factory; if so, the type and working capacity of such installation.

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The application must be signed by the applicant personally. A licence may be issued in the name of a person or a corporation.

The application will be considered by the Licensing Authority, the Fire Services Department and other Government departments concerned.

Before the applicant receives a letter of licensing requirements from the Licensing Authority, he is advised not to start any work on decoration. He must also not start the business before obtaining the licence. Otherwise, he will be liable to prosecution.

Certification of Free of Unauthorized Building Works, Compliance with Government Lease Conditions and Statutory Plan Restrictions :
With effect from 18 April 2006, premises under application for Food Factory Licence should be free of unauthorized building works and comply with Government lease conditions and statutory plan restrictions.

Applicants may refer to the “A Guide to Applicants/Licensees on Procedures of Applying for Issue and Transfer of Food Business Licences on
(i) Certification of Free of Unauthorized Building Works (UBW),
(ii) Compliance with Government Lease Conditions and
(iii) Compliance with Statutory Plan Restrictions”for details.

The said documents are obtainable from all Licensing Offices and District Environmental Hygiene Offices and can be downloaded from the website of Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

Deadline for Compliance with Licensing Requirements :
The maximum period of time allowed for the applicant to comply with all licensing requirements is 6 months after the expiry of provisional licence or 12 months after the issue of the letter of requirements for a full licence in the case where application for a full licence is made or provisional licence is not issued, unless the applicant can demonstrate that the delay in meeting the licensing requirements is due to factors beyond his reasonable control.

The application for a full licence will be deemed withdrawn after the above period of time.

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