fehd.gov.hk : How to Apply For Restaurant Licence Hong Kong

Organization : Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Facility : How to Apply For Restaurant Licence
Location : Hong Kong
Country : China

Website : http://www.fehd.gov.hk/english/index.html
Terms & Conditions : https://www.statusin.org/uploads/26863-Restaurant.PDF

Apply For Restaurant Licence :

To help us serve you as we pledge, you should :
* submit your application form together with 3 copies of the proposed layout plan;

Related : How to Apply For Food Factory Licence Hong Kong : www.statusin.org/26859.html

* submit a self-declaration on compliance with Government lease conditions for premises located in private buildings;
* not revise the proposed layout plans unnecessarily once submitted;

* highlight proposed changes on the revised plans with colour pens and simple descriptions if revision is necessary; otherwise, the revised plans will be rejected;

* inform us of your new correspondence address, contact telephone and fax numbers should there be any changes; and
* quote FEHD’s file reference and leave your contact telephone number in your correspondence with us.

For correspondence and enquiries, applicants may refer to Appendix A which lists all the relevant offices/departments involved in restaurant licensing with correspondence addresses, websites and hotlines, etc.

DOs & DON’Ts for Applicants for Restaurant Licences :
DOs :
** DO choose premises which are suitable for operating restaurant business under the Occupation Permit, the Government lease conditions and the relevant statutory plan and the notes attached thereto.

** DO retrieve and view the approved building plans and documents available at Buildings Department to check whether there are unauthorized buildings works involved which may affect the suitability of the premises before submitting application.

** DO choose premises with net floor area preferably not less than 30m2 and 20m2 for a general restaurant and a light refreshment restaurant respectively.

** DO choose premises on floors with adequate loading capacity.
** DO choose premises with adequate means of escape.
** DO choose premises with mains water supply, flushed toilets and a proper drainage system.

** DO choose premises capable of providing an independent and separate ventilating system to the kitchen, toilets and seating accommodation.

** DO prepare three copies of layout plans and air-conditioning/ventilation layout plans of the proposed premises drawn to scale (of not less than 1:100) and in metric units for submission together with your application to the appropriate Licensing Office.

** DO note the relevant requirements in respect of drainage, air pollution, noise control, wastewater control (discharge standards) and waste control as stipulated in the relevant environmental ordinances.

** DO appoint an Authorized Person or a Registered Structural Engineer where extensive alterations and additions works are to be carried out or if you are unfamiliar with the related Buildings Ordinance requirements.

** DO appoint an appropriate class of registered fire service installation contractor for carrying out the works of installation/alteration and addition of fire service installation and equipment.

Related Post

** DO appoint a registered specialist contractor (ventilation works category) to certify that the works of installation/alteration and addition of mechanical ventilating system and the associated ventilating drawings are in compliance with the Ventilation of Scheduled Premises Regulation, Cap. 132CE and the fire safety requirements as specified in the Fire Services Department Circular Letters.

** DO appoint a registered electrical contractor for carrying out all necessary electrical work (including new, alteration, addition or repairing work).

** DO appoint a registered gas contractor to design, construct, install, modify and commission a gas installation.

** DO appoint an approved distributor / registered gas contractor to supply cylinder Liquefied Petroleum Gas and carry out associated gas installation work.

DON’Ts :
** DON’T choose premises in industrial or godown/warehouse buildings.
** DON’T choose the upper floors of any building which are designed for domestic use.

** DON’T choose premises at or below basement level four.
** DON’T choose premises in areas designated for emergency use.

** DON’T choose premises located vertically below, therefore posing a fire hazard to, a registered school, child care centre, elderly home or residential care home for disability.

** DON’T choose premises on the upper floors of single staircase buildings.

** DON’T choose premises located in unauthorized buildings or with unauthorized building works (UBW) by cross reference to the approved building records in Buildings Department and Building Authority’s acknowledgement of completion of approved alterations and additions works,

** DON’T choose area/premises which were not accountable for gross floor area (GFA) calculation of the development under Buildings Ordinance; such as plant room, common amenities, and club house, etc.

** DON’T choose premises that are sub-divided units within the same floor which deprive other units of adequate means of escape provision.

** DON’T remove the approved facilities provided for persons with a disability.

** DON’T plan to use the areas where manholes or soil, waste and rain water pipes are situated as kitchens, food preparation rooms and sculleries.

** DON’T start renovating or decorating your premises before receiving the Letter of Requirements issued by the Licensing Authority (i.e. Food and Environmental Hygiene Department).

** DON’T submit incomplete plans and revise the proposed layout plans unnecessarily once submitted, especially after the issue of Letter of Requirements. Submitting incomplete and revised plans will delay the application process.

** DON’T commence business before a licence is obtained from the Licensing Authority

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