CCSS Customer Complaint Settlement Scheme Hong Kong :

Organization : Office of the Communications Authority
Facility : Customer Complaint Settlement Scheme CCSS
Location : Hong Kong
Country : China

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The “Customer Complaint Settlement Scheme” (CCSS) is a mediation scheme set up by the telecommunications industry to help resolve billing disputes in deadlock between telecommunications service providers and their customers.

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** The mediation service is provided by an independent service centre (CCSS Centre) set up under the Communications Association of Hong Kong (CAHK), an industry association representing the communications sector in Hong Kong, with the participation of all major telecommunications service providers in Hong Kong.

** The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) supports the operation of the CCSS, through a Memorandum of Understanding signed with CAHK, by contributing the necessary funding, screening the CCSS applications against prescribed criteria, and monitoring the performance and the governance of the scheme.

** Under the CCSS, mediation service is provided by independent and trained mediators, via meetings or telephone communications, to assist the concerned parties to identify the issues in dispute, their respective positions and expectations; to facilitate the negotiation; to formulate a solution; and ultimately to reach a settlement agreement regarding the resolution of the whole, or part, of the dispute.

** Telecommunications service users who choose to use the mediation service under the CCSS may first contact OFCA at 2180 9521 which will assess the cases. OFCA will refer accepted cases to CCSS Centre for follow-up actions.

** For accepted case, a service fee of HK$100 will be charged for using the mediation service under the CCSS.

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How to Apply for the Mediation Service under the CCSS :
Step 1: Before making an application to the CCSS
** You must first lodge the complaint on billing dispute with the relevant telecommunications service provider, which has participated in the CCSS as a CCSS Member, via the designated channel(s) .

** If the dispute is not resolved within 6 weeks from the date the complaint has first been lodged with the CCSS Member, or a deadlock is declared by the CCSS Member that the dispute could not be settled, you may consider making an application to the CCSS.

** The CCSS Member is required to provide you with a “Referral Number” for dispute identification purpose under the CCSS.

Step 2: Submitting information
** You can contact OFCA at 2180 9521 (office hour: Monday – Friday 9:00am – 12:30pm, 1:30pm – 5:00pm), or submit the Customer Information Form via fax to 2180 9520 or email to ccss AT

** You can also submit the Customer Information Form online. If the billing dispute meets the acceptance criteria for admission under the CCSS, you will be advised by OFCA to proceed with the application.

Step 3: Making an application
** You are required to complete and return the “CUSTOMER APPLICATION FORM” and “CUSTOMER CONSENT FORM” to CCSS Centre and pay a non-refundable service fee of HK$100.

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