: Staying Safe Online, Safe Wi-Fi Connection Hong Kong

Organization : Office of the Communications Authority
Facility : Staying Safe Online, Safe Wi-Fi Connection
Location : Hong Kong
Country : China

Website :

Staying Safe Online :

Mobile Internet uses airwaves for transmission. The data over air can be intercepted during transmission. Therefore, when we use mobile devices to access mobile Internet services, we have to take preventive measures in order to avoid data theft.

Related : Office of the Communications Authority Mobile Internet Service Hong Kong :

When using mobile Internet services, we should pay attention to the following:
** Avoid transmitting sensitive or personal data.

** When setting a personal password, a “strong password” composed of multiple combinations should be chosen.

The criteria for a “strong password” include :
1. at least 8 characters in length;
2. Composed of upper-case letters, lower-case letters, numbers and symbols;

3. No special sequence, no special meaning, and not any word in dictionaries.
4. If a web page requires user authentication, remember to log out when leaving the web page;

5. When browsing on a public computer, do not tick options like “remember me” or “remember password” to avoid personal data being recorded. Also, upon leaving the computer, delete your history records and temporary files in the browser as far as practicable;

6. Disable wireless connections such as Wi-Fi, mobile broadband and Bluetooth, when the mobile device is not used to access the Internet.

7. Firewall, anti-spyware and anti-virus software should be installed and activated on notebook computers. Updated patches should also be installed in the system on a regular basis;

8. When accessing Wi-Fi service, do not connect to unknown networks or access points which do not have proper security settings.

Safe Wi-Fi Connection Setting :
In public areas, one should avoid connecting to unknown networks or access points without security settings. Users should choose the Wi-Fi service provided by the government, large shopping malls, the Airport Authority or network operators.

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Let’s take the “GovWiFi” as an example. It adopts the WPA2 security algorithm and AES encryption technology to enhance the security of Wi-Fi connections.

Reference Videos :
To understand how mobile devices can connect to a Wi-Fi network safely, please refer to the following videos :

* Acknowledgement to Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA) for providing the videos
* Cantonese Narration Only

Security Issues :
** Mobile Internet uses airwaves for transmission. The data over air can be intercepted during transmission.

** Therefore, when we use mobile devices to access mobile Internet services, we have to take preventive measures in order to avoid data theft.

When using mobile Internet services, we should pay attention to the following :
** Avoid transmitting sensitive or personal data.

When setting a personal password, a “strong password” composed of multiple combinations should be chosen.

The criteria for a “strong password” include:
** at least 8 characters in length;
** Composed of upper-case letters, lower-case letters, numbers and symbols;

** No special sequence, no special meaning, and not any word in dictionaries.
** If a webpage requires user authentication, remember to log out when leaving the webpage;

** When browsing on a public computer, do not tick options like “remember me” or “remember password” to avoid personal data being recorded. Also, upon leaving the computer, delete your history records and temporary files in the browser as far as practicable;

** Disable wireless connections such as Wi-Fi, mobile broadband and Bluetooth, when the mobile device is not used to access the Internet.

** Firewall, anti-spyware and anti-virus software should be installed and activated on notebook computers. Updated patches should also be installed in the system on a regular basis;

** When accessing Wi-Fi service, do not connect to unknown networks or access points which do not have proper security settings. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map