Apply for Duplicate Title Certificate Canada : Land Title & Survey

Organization : Land Title & Survey
Facility : Apply for Duplicate Title Certificate
Country : Canada

Website :

LTSA Apply for Duplicate Title Certificate

Please note the duplicate certificate of title or duplicate Indefeasible Title is a highly valuable document.

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It is recommended that the certificate be kept in a safety deposit box to ensure its security. It is costly and time consuming to replace, and its loss could interfere with future plans to transfer the title.

Steps to Apply at a Land Title Office Counter or by Mail :
The title must not be subject to a right to purchase a mortgage.

1. Duly-completed Form 22 as follows
** Full names of all owners, exactly as on title along with mailing address

** Complete legal description, including the nine-digit parcel identifier (PID), which can be found be searched for using BC Assessment’s e-valueBC website or found on your property tax assessment notice for the land

** Clear indication of how the duplicate certificate of title is to be delivered and who is to receive it

** Signatures of all registered owners who are on title with their signatures witnessed by someone who is not a party to the instrument

2. Pay the Indefeasible Title fee of $71.58 for each duplicate certificate of title requested

3. If you come into the land title office to pick up the duplicate certificate of title, we require two pieces of identification. One must be government-issued picture identification, such as a driver’s license.

If you request the duplicate certificate of title by mail, the duplicate title will be forwarded to you by registered mail requiring a signature and the address on the application must match the address on title.

Additional Information

** When completing forms, type or print clearly in dark ink on standard letter-size paper (8.5″ x 11″)

** If you are submitting a copy of the application to be returned to you, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope

** This is the expected registration process for applications received in person or via mail

** When paying Property Transfer Tax (PTT), a cheque payable to the “Minister of Finance” is the only acceptable form of payment accepted at land title office

At a Land Title Office Counter

** Submit the completed form(s) to the land title office that serves the land title district in which the property is located.

** Hours are:
i. 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday to Friday for registration of documents
ii. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm for other services (title searches or plan and document copies)

** Payment is by debit, Visa, MasterCard, cheque or money order
** Cash is not accepted
** Any filings submitted after 3:00 pm are processed the next business day

By Mail

** Fees are payable in Canadian funds by cheque or money order payable to: Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia
** Do not mail cash

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