lmra.bh SMS, Express Service Bahrain : Labour Market Regulatory Authority

Organization : Labour Market Regulatory Authority
Facility : SMS, Express Service
Country : Bahrain

Website : https://lmra.bh/portal/ar/home
Details Here : http://lmra.bh/portal/en/express_services#passport_tab

SMS Service :

In line with its vision of providing effective, transparent, robust, and dynamic solutions and services to the local market, expatriate employees can check their legal status in the kingdom of Bahrain by sending an SMS composed of the employee personal number in the following format : CPR 123456789.

Related : Labour Market Regulatory Authority New Work Permit For Employers Bahrain : www.statusin.org/4490.html

After sending the SMS with your personal number, you will receive an SMS from LMRA with your legal status.

Telecommunications Services Provider Number to send SMS to SMS Cost
Viva 98690 50 fils
Batelco 90168 50 fils
Zain 77070 50 fils

Express Services :
Through this service, expatriate employee can check the work permit application status, check the legal status and validity of their work permits in Kingdom of Bahrain.

Expatriate employee can check the mentioned information either through the personal number, work permit number, application ID number or the passport number.

Identity Card
Expatriate employees can check their legal status in the Kingdom of Bahrain by inserting their personal number in the field

Work Permit :
In order to check the work permit validity, please insert in the field below the work permit number which is located in the upper part of the work permit.

Application Id :
Expatriate employees can check applications submitted to LMRA to issue work permit, every application has a unique number.
Passport :
Expatriate employees can check their work permit validity by inserting the passport number in the field.

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How to login to the E-support system?
** Visit the following link: Clients E-support Center.
** Expatriates are allowed to access the e-support through entering their CPR in (User name)box.
** To login Expatriates will use their Passport expiry date as their password in DD-MM-YYYY Format.

How can I follow up on a submitted application through the e-support system?
To follow up on any applications submitted through the e-support system, please follow these steps :
** Login to the e-support system.
** Click on “View submitted applications” icon.
** Click on the application subject you would like to follow up on.

** In case the application has been resolved and you are not pleased with the resolution, you may re-open the application through posting a reply by clicking on “Post Reply” icon. If the application has been resolved and you are pleased with the resolution, you may rate your application resolution through the rating application service provided by e-support system.

About Us :
The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) is a government body with a corporate identity that is endowed with full financial and administrative independence under the authority of a board of directors duly chaired by the Minister of Labour.

The Authority was established on May 31, 2006 based on a law issued by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa al Khalifa, the King of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The Law has mandated LMRA with regulating and controlling work permits for expatriate employees and self-employed, in addition to issuing licences for manpower and recruitment agencies.

Further responsibilities of the LMRA are introducing Labour Market reforms and tackling all issues related to this sector by drafting a strategy and policy of employment of nationals and expatriate employees.

Additionally, the Authority is responsible for the collection and analysis of data, information and statistics on the economic situation in the Kingdom, especially with regards to the Labour Market.

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