Apply for SME Twikatane Account : Finance Bank of Zambia

Organization : Finance Bank of Zambia.
Facility : Apply for SME Twikatane Account
Country : Zambia

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SME Twikatane Account :

Are you an SME?
Then the SME Twikatane product is for YOU

Related : Finance Bank of Zambia Apply For Mukango Deposit Account :

With SME Twikatane, you finally have an account that is specially tailored to meet your needs. It is designed for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), to help them have access to Credit Facilities in a form of an Overdraft or a Loan.

What is an SME?
At Finance Bank a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) is a registered business whose annual turnover is no more than K500,000.

Type of Enterprise Number of Employees Thresholds
Micro Enterprise 10 or less >K50,000
Small Enterprise 50 or lesss >K100,000
Medium Enterprise 50 to 100 >K500,000

Loans :
This can be used to buy Capital Items such as;
** Machinery
** Delivery vehicles
** Office/farming equipment and any other equipment etc.

How can financing help your business?
If you had more money for your business what would you do?
** Expand your office space?
** Pay salaries?

** Pay rentals and other overheads?
** Replenish stocks?

Additional financing avails you the possibility of achieving your goals and based on this FBZ is able to tailor make this product in order to suit your business plans.

Receiving the money you need :
For us to help you find the right business solution and process your request faster, a qualified advisor will ask you questions such as :
** What will you use the additional funds for?

Related Post

** How much money do you require?
** What kind of repayment schedule do you require?
** Is it a one off expense?

Documents required to obtain this facility :
** A bankable business proposal
** Full company profile
** Latest management accounts (Balance sheet & income statement)

** Ageing list of debtors & creditors, if any.
** Cash flow projection for the next 12 months.
** Company/business registration documentation.

** Bank statements for the past 12 months if customer does not have an account with us.
** Tangible security on Title and good value adequate to cover the borrowing sought

Branch Network :
Our wide spread branch network with flexible opening hours aims at bringing the banking services to your doorstep.
To Apply :
Visit your nearest branch

Contact Details :
Contact our Call centre or any branch near you for more information on the Personal Current Account. Tel: 0211 237 022 Or visit a branch nearest to you

Business Current Account :
** This is a non-interest bearing account, which allows all corporate customers, to access their funds on demand.
Solutions tailored to your business needs

** Are you a new start up or already running a business? We at FBZ offer an account tailored to help you make a difference and achieve your day to day banking needs with convenience.

Features :
** No minimum account opening balance
** Can be opened in either ZMW,USD, GBP, EUR and ZAR
** Cheque book
** Monthly statement

Benefits :
** Internet Banking : An online solution that enables you to conduct your banking anytime anywhere at your convenience.
** Overdraft or Loan facilities can be arranged.

** Payments of goods and services by cheque.
** A free monthly statement.
** Easy monitoring of your account transactions.
** Access to Trade and Treasury services which include exchange rates, swift transfers etc.

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