zra.org.zm Tax Payer Search : Zambia Revenue Authority

Organization : Zambia Revenue Authority
Facility : Tax Payer Search
Country : Zambia
Website : https://www.zra.org.zm/
Search Uploaded Information Here : https://www.zra.org.zm/

Tax Payer Search

To view the Taxpayer details enter the following fields,
1. Select Search Option – New TPIN or Old TPIN

Related / Similar Service : ZRA eReturn Filing Zambia

3. Tax Payer Name

Search Uploaded Information :
Please enter the following details,
1. From Order Date – To Order Date
2. From Publish Date – To Publish Date

3. From Expiry Date – To Expiry Date
4. Category
5. Tax Type
6. Subject

About Us :
In the context of declining Government revenues from a peak of around 30 percent of GDP in the late 1970s to just 13 percent of GDP from tax collections in the early 1990s, the Zambian Government launched a tax reform programme in 1992.

In addition to various tax policy initiatives, this reform programme included a major overhaul of revenue administration through the establishment the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA), on April 1, 1994, as a semi-autonomous agency under the Zambia Revenue Authority Act, now Chapter 321 of the Laws of Zambia.

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That culminated in the former Departments of Income Tax and Customs and Excise of the then Ministry of Finance being brought together under the revenue authority.

FAQs :
1. Are Ex-Gratia payments made to the spouse, child or dependants of the deceased employee taxable?
No, ex-gratia payments are exempt from tax.

2. If employee gets below K3000 per month, do they have to be included on the PAYE return?
Yes. All permanent and temporal employees have to be included on the PAYE return irrespective on their Income
3. What is the tax free amount for PAYE?
The exempt amount for PAYE with effect from 1st January, 2014 is K3,000 per month.

4. Can an employee claim PAYE paid during their term of office?
PAYE is not a contribution but rather a tax. But where an employee is over taxed, they can lodge in refund claim forms in subsequent charge year.

5. What is the maximum allowable pension contribution?
The maximum allowable amount before coming up with the taxable amount should not exceed 15%. But NAPSA, specifically, the allowable is 5% or K255 per month or K3,060 per annum.

6. What is the tax credit for persons with disability?
With effect from 1st January, 2013 the tax credit is K250.00 per month or K3000.00 per annum.
7. Are allowances taxable?
All cash benefits paid in the form of allowances are taxable on the employee under PAYE. The only exception is sitting allowances for councilors.

8. Is leave pay taxable?
Yes, Leave pay is normal income and must be taxed together with the salary in the month the leave pay is paid.
9. Are bonuses taxable?
Yes, all bonuses are taxable under pay as you earn as normal income.

10. What is the new definition of Property as from 1st January 2013?
Property, as per Property Transfer Tax Amendment Act No. 13 of 2012, means any land in the Republic; any share issued by a company incorporated in the Republic; or a mining right issued under the Mines and Minerals Development Act, 2008, or an interest therein.

Categories: Zambia
Tags: zra.org.zm

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