zambiapolice.gov.zm : How to Get Police Clearance Certificate

Organization : Zambia Police
Facility : How to Get Police Clearance Certificate
Country : Zambia

Website : http://www.zambiapolice.gov.zm/index.php/services/police-clearance?showall=1

Get Police Clearance Certificate :

A Police Clearance Certificate is a certificate that is issued by the Zambia Police to clear anyone of criminal record. This certificate would indicate whether someone committed a criminal offence or not.

The certificate would give details of such an offence if any, and when it was committed including the outcome of the offence from the court.

Who Requires A Police Clearance Certificate :
** For employment purposes. In most cases, the employer would require their employees to be cleared by the police before being confirmed into full time employment.

** Registration of societies. It’s a requirement for those registering societies to be issued with police clearance certificates.
** Board of directors.
** Firearm holders.
** In most cases when traveling outside the country.

Procedure :
** Fingerprints can be taken (lifted) from any police station within Zambia and outside the country.
** The Fingerprints then need to be sent to Zambia Police Headquarters in Lusaka at Fingerprints Department where the screening is done.

** Upon screening, the fingerprints are then sent to Criminal Records Office (CRO) within Headquarters for name search.
** The process usually takes a period of five working days upon submission. Thereafter, the police clearance certificate can be collected.

** Police Clearance Certificate outside Zambia for Zambians is K530.00, while non Zambians outside the country are required to pay K796.00.
** Zambians within Zambia is K56.00, while K530.00 is for non Zambians staying in Zambia.

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** Registration of societies is K222.00.
** Board of directors is K112.00.
** Zambians traveling abroad is K112.00.

Fees : All fees are receipted by a gazetted Government general receipt.

Consequences Of Non Appearance Of An Accused After Being Granted Bond Or Bail :
** Forfeiture of the amount pledged
** If the bail was cash, the amount deposited will be forfeited
** Where the accused fails to appear before court, the surety must offer a reasonable explanation to the court

** Imprisonment in appropriate cases or if the amount pledged is not paid

** Where the accused jumps bail or bond without reasonable course, a Warrant of arrest is issued against the principle party and summons against the surety/sureties. Once the principle party is arrested, he /she would be required to pay a recognisance sum indicated in the Bail or Bond

** Where the surety/sureties disobey the summons, a warrant of arrest is issued and they will be remanded in custody until they recognisance fee is paid.

About Us :
** To prevent and detect crime, and enforce the law firmly and fairly in order to create a safe, secure and peaceful environment for social and economic development for all.

** To be “A professional and accountable Police Service that provides quality law enforcement services for a safer and secure Zambia”
** “To achieve a 50% reduction in the incidence of crime and 60% reduction in other offences by 2016.”

** We the Zambia Police Service shall uphold professionalism, integrity, accountability, confidentiality, impartiality, excellence,pro-activeness,teamwork and human rights in the execution of our duties.”

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