Recharge, SMS Enquiry Service Oman : OIFC

Organization : OIFC Oman Investment & Finance Co
Facility : Recharge, SMS Enquiry Service
Country : Oman

Website :

Recharge Service :

Create an account with us to easily manage all your bills(Electricity/Water/Omantel/Ooredoo)
** View All bills (Electricity/Water/Telecom)

Related : Muscat Municipality SMS, IVR Service Oman :

** Add bulk accounts to corporate profile
** View e-statements for Electricity / Water
** Select / Download multiple e-bills

Recharge services are offered for all telecom operators prevailing in the Sultanate.
** Recharge all telecom operator in Oman.
** Bulk and Retail Distribution and Instant Activation of HAYYAK Starter kits.

To recharge please enter the following details and click on the Continue button,
1. Select your Provider
2. Enter mobile no
3. Amount
4. Re-enter amount

SMS Enquiry :
Retrieving outstanding balance against Electricity & Water accounts could be easily made by sending SMS to (98825555) with the following details : B {Account Number}

Example : BQ22387. TYPE B and then you account number – where account number starts with character and five digit numbers.

Electricity Bills :
OIFC performs the following services for Muscat Electricity Distribution Co. SAOC (MEDC):
** Meter reading and bill delivery of electricity accounts using hand held terminal
** Collection of electricity bill payments at any OIFC payment channels across Oman.
** Issuing of electricity duplicate bills and statement of accounts.
** Disconnection and Re connection services.

Water Bills :
OIFC performs the following services for the Public Authority for Electricity and Water (PAEW) :
** Meter reading and bill delivery of water accounts using hand held terminal
** Collection of water bill payments at any OIFC payment channels across Oman.
** Issuing of duplicate bills and statement of accounts.
** Disconnection and Reconnection services.

Telecom Bills :
OIFC performs the following services for Oman Telecommunications Company (Omantel) at any of its payment channels across Oman.
** Monthly printing and mailing of Fixed-Line (PSTN), Mobile and Internet bills generated by Omantel.
** Collection of bills at any OIFC payment channels across Oman.
** Issuing of duplicate bills.

OIFC performs the following services for Omani Qatari Telecommunication Company SAOG (Ooredoo) at any of its payment channels across Oman.
** Collection of bills at any OIFC payment channels across Oman.
** Issuing of duplicate bills.
** Debt Factoring.

About Us :
OIFC is one of the leading Investment and Services Company and specialises in Billing, Collection & Debt Factoring for Electricity, Water and Telecom Services in the Sultanate of Oman over the last three decades, established in 1979.

OIFC is considered as the Pioneer and is the single largest private sector listed company dedicated to this line of business in the Sultanate of Oman.

OIFC is one of the leading collection service partner in the Sultanate rendering services to Public Authority of Electricity and Water, Muscat Electricity Distribution Company (MEDC), Majan Electricity Company (MJEC), Mazoon Electricity Company (MZEC), Dhofar Power Company (DPC), Rural Area Electricity Company (RAECO), Oman Telecommunications Company (Omantel), Omani Qatari Telecommunication Company (Ooredoo), Oman Wastewater Services Company (Haya) and provides meter reading and bill delivery services for electricity and water

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