How to Donate Blood Oman : Ministry of Health

Organization : Ministry of Health
Facility : Donate Blood Service
Country : Oman

Website :

MOH Donate Blood

Blood Bank service allows you to request register yourself as a donor (if not already registered in MOH) and then register your donation forms electronically.

Related : Ministry of Health Oman Licence to Practice Profession of Nursing & Midwifery :

Registering your donation online saves you time when you visit the blood bank or the blood donation campaign site as you will not need to submit the form manually and wait for an approval.

To access this service :
** Sign into eHealth Portal by clicking Sign In button above
** A new button called My MoH will appear on the top bar, click this to go to the dashboards
** Next, click Patient Dashboard

On the Patient Dashboard, you will see all patient related services. To register yourself as a donor or register your blood donation, use the “Blood Bank” application :

If you are not registered as a Donor, the button will show “Register as a Donor” as shown above. Once you register yourself as a donor, a new button will appear “Register Donation”.

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FAQs :
1.What are the service that offered for the Citizens & Residents?
** Search for Contact Numbers of Healthcare Facilities.
** Donate Blood.
** Health Education Library.
** Healthcare Facilities Search.
** Medical Specialties Search.
** Medical Vacancies.
** Pharmacist Services.

2.What is the PKI service and what is Tam service?
Tam is an Electronic Certification service provided by the National Digital Certification Center (NDCC) at the Information Technology Authority (ITA).

This service allows all Omani citizens and residents to use the government electronic services and transactions in a higher level of security, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality to protect all E-Transactions made through ID cards and mobile SIM cards.

3.What are the benefits do I get form Tam?
By opting for Tam before applying for any government E-Services, you will enjoy the following benefits :
** Your personal data is secured and protected.
** Authentication of your digital identity online without the need for physical appearance.
** Ability to sign any document or application electronically.

** Authentication of your digital identity online without the need for physical appearance.
** Having eSignature valid and trusted with the same legality as regular signature
** Ability to validate and integrate the signed documents.
** 24/7 access to government services form everywhere.
** Saving money, time and effort.

About Us :
The Ministry of Health (MOH) is responsible for ensuring the availability of health care to the people of Oman. In course of implementing its health development plans, the Ministry’s organization had to be adapted in tune with the strategies and objectives that were crystallized during 1990.

These can be summarized broadly as :
1. Governoratealization of health services and decentralization of decision making in specified technical, administrative and financial affairs
2. Emphasizing the role and importance of planning

3. Development of Education and Training in health
4. Emphasizing the importance of health systems research
5. Emphasizing the importance of governorateal and international relations

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